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Found 28 results

  1. LG


    Looking to join a team as spy - I am always avaliable to play and I train very hard with my team. Please someone recruit me https://steamcommunity.com/id/hazethescitz/
  2. basiic

    LFT Sniper/Spy

    Hey, I'm looking for a slightly new team I have some comp experience. I play spy and sniper, I can all-class, but I'm not really good with stickies or projectiles in general. I have 200+ Hours on sniper and spy (same with scout) and 3000 Hours on TF2 Feel free to add me or comment down below. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198135777638 https://steamcommunity.com/id/basiictf2/
  3. kendr9648

    Highlander recruitment

    My team is all new to competitive and most of us have above 500 hours, apart form two, we have one more starting team spot which is spy. You are welcome to become a sub for any class you want. http://steamcommunity.com/id/kendr9648/ my profile, add me if you would like to become a sub or the spy
  4. The Gibus

    LFT HL Spy/Scout

    Looking for a Highlander Team I've been playing TF2 on and off for nearly 4 years now, with 1,040 hours on the game I usually main Spy, but also main scout on the side. Hoping to look for a team to start my TF2 Comp journey. Steam Community Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/MayonnaiseIsLove/
  5. I'm a spy main looking for a highlander team to be joined in. Informations : 400 hours on spy from Thailand my SteamiD : http://steamcommunity.com/id/ArnoSFM/ Add me if you're interested. (I can mge if you want me to)
  6. _Conxious

    LFP Recruiting Members

    ᗝίLOOKING FOR PLAYERSίᗝ -Crst4l R3ference- Hello, I am looking for experienced or new players to come and join my Highlander team. Requirements: At least 50+ hours on your main. A Mic (Will not be used soon) A good sense of humor. Age: 13+, Since I am 14 myself. Add me if you are interested: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Astatine_/ Spy & Sniper special requirements: Atleast 500+ hours on tf2 10+ Pugs or Lobbies (I might Reconsider if you are good.) CLASSES OPEN: Scout,Soldier,Demoman,Engineer,Heavy,Spy,Sniper, and Medic.
  7. Hi i'm 14 from Thailand and i main Spy in TeamFortress2 I'm looking for a GOOD competitive team ! My achivements : - 200 Hours on Spy - Nearly 500 Hours on TF2 - I can be really aggressive and passive - I can trickstab really well - I can 1v1 test if you want me to Here is my SteamID link : http://steamcommunity.com/id/ArnoSFM/ Thanks for reading !
  8. ᗝίLOOKING FOR PLAYERSίᗝ -Crst4l R3ference- Hello, I am looking for experienced or new players to come and join my Highlander team. Requirements: At least 50+ hours on your main. A Mic (Will not be used soon) A good sense of humor. Age: 13+, Since I am 14 myself. Add me if you are interested: http://steamcommunit...m/id/Astatine_/ Spy & Sniper special requirements: Atleast 500+ hours on tf2 10+ Pugs or Lobbies (I might Reconsider if you are good.) CLASSES OPEN: Scout,Soldier,Demoman,Engineer,Heavy,Spy,Sniper, and Medic.
  9. kaien

    Spy Looking for Team

    Looking for a highlander team. 1000+ Hours in Tf2 250+ Hours in Spy https://steamcommunity.com/id/darkstabby/stats/TF2 <-- Main Account Can play Pyro as well.
  10. I am looking for a Highlander team and is willing to play as spy with 548 hours logged into Team Fortress 2 currently and 70 hours as spy. I can play spy and soldier but I'm already in a 6's team as soldier. As spy I like playing passive not going or any cool trickstabs, that's just my playstyle if you're wondering. Add me if you are interested : http://steamcommunity.com/id/bossesonly/
  11. Bossotronio

    LFT Spy

    Hello, my name is "Bossotronio", I am in a 6v6 team already but I want to try out highlander as spy. I currently have 474 hours logged into tf2. I currently have 70 hours logged into spy. I am new to highlander. I am basically looking for a low level team. If you are interested then please add me : http://steamcommunity.com/id/bossesonly/
  12. Bossotronio

    I'm a spy looking for a team

    I am looking for a team. I am new to competitive. I have currently 313 hours logged in to tf2. I have currently 70 hours as spy. I can only play tf2 with mumble on saturday nights but sometimes, I can also play on other nights. I am a f2p but dont underestimate. Please add me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/bossesonly/
  13. Hi, i main spy and looking for a highlander team. New to competitive scene. I have 1100+ hours in tf2 and 400 hours in spy. Able to do most trickstabs but most of the time being a gun-spy. Willing to join a team with new players or experienced one. Send me a message here if interested http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198253875466/ , thanks Update : Found a team
  14. Hello, I am looking to recruit a demo,heavy,medic,engi,spy,sniper,that are hoping to get to a average highlander team and experience competetive,feel free to add me I have 1000+hrs on tf2,
  15. Been playing TF2 for a while now and wanted to get into competitive. I am training for Spy and Soldier. For Spy currently training on: Trickstabs Ambassador Headshots For Soldier currently training on: Airshot Advanced Rocket Jumping Market Gardening
  16. _Conxious

    Looking for team

    Hello I am _Conxious, I am looking for an Highlander team. Any team can interest me. I have mostly play all classes but I main Demo and Scout, can do Sniper & Spy. I have 750+ on TF2, I have no microphone, so I cannot communicate that much. Thank you and have a wonderful day! Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SharNide/
  17. A Potato


    Hello everyone, my name is potato, I'm a Filipino spy main with about 1200hrs on TF2, I've started my TF2 life as a trader, it took a while to find my main. I'm still in highschool, doing school work and such, though it doesn't really conflict that much with my gaming life (unless exams) I really really wanna start playing comp ,pub servers are getting way too "easy" for me nowadays. :/ I live in Macau, which is near Hong Kong, I mostly play in Singapore pubs, I play in HK servers from time to time ) Hope to meet some great people and have some great moments throughout my tf2 career :>
  18. Synchronized

    Im Looking For A Team I main Spy

    Hey Guys Im Looking For A Team yes i am new to the world Of tf2 competitive cuz i just discovered it now -.- Anyways yeah im looking for a 6v6 team i will put the info that i always see on requests and hopefully i will be invited to one im really active Steam IGN: [Trade.tf]Synchronized Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SirSync/ Favourite Classes: Speeh,Solly,Sniper,Engie,Scoot Hours In-Game: 825 hrs F2P or P2P: P2P Why you would like to join? well so i was a really active pub and skilled server guy well but its not the same as the competitive in CS:GO I always see a guy doing a conga or kazotsy kick people are just too friendly so well im really friendly to these types of people so instead of being a crazy tryhard i join them. But I wanna see how much i improved with tf2 after all these years (yeah ik 825 hrs doesnt sound like a year well my laptop broke so yeah) On a Competitive team How could you contribute to the squad? As A Spy Main i Report when a enemy ubercharge is ready and if possible i will take him out also with the engie's sentry I Am Really Active Even In Mondays-Fridays Just pls Dont Go To battle on like morning cuz i will be in school I Will come back home in 4pm Yeah guys thats me I Hope get an invitation Really helps my career as a tf2 player cya guys
  19. Name: ☆XtremeWJ™☆ #PewPew Country: Singapore Language: English Playing times: Weekends, holidays. (Morning and afternoon) Classes: Main soldier, 2nd is pyro and alright in demoman and spy. Add me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/XtremeWJ/ I will play better as SOLDIER / PYRO.
  20. Altair

    main spy, need team c;

    my steam link ;D : http://steamcommunity.com/id/howToplayCsGoX/
  21. I am looking for recruitment of a 6s team Classes that I am good at: Spy, Roamer, Pyro, Demoman Classes that I am normal at: Scout, Medic I know the details of 6s and I have 6 years of experiences in Tf2, I can be a good teammate of your team surely Playtime: All times during holidays [ 1:00PM-12:00AM ] No Schooldays Mon-Fri Steamid: http://steamcommunity.com.id/richietsui/
  22. Hey there everyone, I'm Tsuki / a boat / whatever my steam name is. I'm looking for a team to play in the asia fortress league. I already am in a HL team in UGC and am subbing in 6s as scout. I main spy and engi so i'd be looking for a team which needs one / both of those. I have around 1150 hours in tf2. 200+ hours on spy. 50+ hours on engi. I can't think of anything else now. Add me and ask questions if you want to. http://steamcommunity.com/id/naruyash12
  23. hello i am Apollo15 http://steamcommunity.com/id/ConwayLucas/ add me if you have any thoughts about me i may not be the most talented, but at least i can get a full 10 killstreak per life in normal valve servers, pubs, so on. but know this, I HAVE 0 COMP EXPERIENCE. and my mic is faulty since my computer's very quick, but has a faulty mic plug. i live in Hong Kong (yes, the sleeping dogs place.) add me up if you got any enquiries, and i wish you all good luck is your future endeavors.
  24. hello i am Apollo15 http://steamcommunity.com/id/ConwayLucas/ add me if you have any thoughts about me i may not be the most talented, but at least i can get a full 10 killstreak per life in normal valve servers, pubs, so on. but know this, I HAVE 0 COMP EXPERIENCE. and my mic is faulty since my computer's very quick, but has a faulty mic plug. i live in Hong Kong (yes, the sleeping dogs place.) add me up if you got any enquiries, and i wish you all good luck is your future endeavors.
  25. Hi there~ Im 14 years old and i have 900+ hours in tf2. I main spy but i recently started maining engineer. This would be the first season id be participating in. I am looking for a team so that i can play in the next season. I can also sub sniper if i have to. I have over 70 lobbies played an im still playing more. If you want to contact me you can add me here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Naruyash12/ Thanks for reading and have a nice day!