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Found 11 results

  1. gibus spy

    hi looking for team

    i have 3.5k hours and main soldier this is also going to be my first experience playing competitive tf2 and i dont have a mic. I have 130 hours on soldier
  2. I am A scout/demo main i live in asia. I am looking for a 6s team. add me on steam if you wish to recruit me.
  3. bag

    LFT Demo

    Just moved to the region, looking for a team. Used to play UGC silver. Add me. http://steamcommunity.com/id/bigbagboy/ I can also play scout, just not as well as demo.
  4. kaien

    Spy Looking for Team

    Looking for a highlander team. 1000+ Hours in Tf2 250+ Hours in Spy https://steamcommunity.com/id/darkstabby/stats/TF2 <-- Main Account Can play Pyro as well.
  5. Lenny (Engie Main)

    Looking for a HL Team (Engie Main)

    I'm an Engie-Main I only 111 hours in this acc. but if you try and go to my description and look at my real account, I have about +1250 hours in Tf2.I have experience in Tf2 comp, I was once in a team but we were drop because of our leader being a bit inactive. I am usually online on saturdays and sundays and if you have games or fights everyday, I could serve as a backup. I understand the concept of my class and I am hoping to go full comp to get my mind of off something heart-breaking I'm also hoping to improve and overall be better. Thanks guys!
  6. Bossotronio

    Looking for a 6's team

    I am new to competitve and willing to play pocket scout. I currently have 315 hours of tf2 and i would like a team that can speak english. I definitely can play on saturday nights but other days it depends so thats my flaw. Add me.
  7. Hi there! I'm Pichu1257, commonly known by friends as just "pich". TL;DR: 1000+ hours Soldier main from Singapore that can play/sub as Scout, Heavy or Medic, looking for newer teams. Add me! Profile link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/pichu1257/ About me- I've had over a thousand hours played on TF2, and around 100+ hours on Soldier, with 70+ hours on Scout and 10-50+ hours on other classes. Oh, and I come from Singapore, so a SG team would be best, but I am also OK with teams of other nationality. I'm a Soldier main, but I do fairly OK as other classes as well. I've had experience with playing Roamer Soldier in 6s, and also some experience with Highlander too. I do best as Soldier, but can manage to get a couple frags as Scout/Heavy too. I can also play Medic fairly well.(As in, doing my job of healing everyone's asses >.<) I'm mainly looking to join newer and ACTIVE teams(last time I joined a HL team, there was no activity for 9 months), as I, to be honest, have had not much experience playing in Highlander, aside from the few TF2Center games I've played. To sum it up, I'm looking to join newer teams with slots for Soldier or any other class i've mentioned. Thanks for reading, and have a nice day!
  8. Henny116


    Hey i am a really good pyro and scout. Please consider adding me to your team. My steam http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198109357654/
  9. Vaefa

    I am looking for a team

    Anyway i am coming back to tf2 with my favorite and my main class : Sniper been away from quite some time and would like to be on a team again. anyway, here's my steam link : http://steamcommunity.com/id/Hw3/ steam id : STEAM_0:1:80451098 hours on sniper : 169.6 hours hours on the tf2 : 1070 (as of september 13, 2015) Thank you in advance if anyone of you kind teams will take me in as their sniper Also i could also play scout so if you wanna contact me on that one please add me, Thank you.
  10. Kryptonite

    LFT 9v9 Silver Demoman

    Hey. I would like to be a Demoman on a team that needs one, I played TF2 for more 2400+ hours. I experienced 3 seasons of UGC Highlander, but never reached play-offs. When I join a team, the team I joined always falling apart in the mid-season. So, I am looking for teams that will NOT falling apart. I can play most of the time. Thanks! Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/tez-tezi-alt/ <----- I'm currently active in this account. http://steamcommunity.com/id/tez-tezi/ <---------- I don't TF2 on here anymore, but here is the 2400+hrs evidence.
  11. mynameiscool


    Hi. we need 7 more players to complete our team, those are: 1 Demoman 2 Heavies 2 Engineers 2 Snipers For those who are interested, please message me immediately here steamcommunity.com/id/diixonciider Thanks