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  • asiafortress cup 14


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st4rli last won the day on July 18 2016

st4rli had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

4 Neutral

About st4rli

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  1. UMU won Snakewater 3-1 http://logs.tf/2160018#76561198138883788 Ayam won Granary 3-2 (golden cap) http://logs.tf/2160048#76561198138883788 (regular time) http://logs.tf/2160078#76561198138883788 (GC) UMU won Process 3-2 (golden cap) http://logs.tf/2160089#76561198138883788 (regular time) http://logs.tf/2160104#76561198138883788 (GC) gg
  2. st4rli

    Round 5: Sexy roti makers vs UMU

    sunshine: 3-1 for UMU. http://logs.tf/2136836#76561198138883788 snakewater: 3-2 for UMU http://logs.tf/2136864#76561198138883788 umu wins 2-0
  3. st4rli

    Round 6: LL1c vs Clown 9

    clown9 uses their postpone lmao
  4. st4rli

    Round 7: Hoomanitee vs Clown 9

    badlands 5-1 clown9 http://logs.tf/1517004#76561198138883788 product 4-0 clown9 http://logs.tf/1517030#76561198138883788 mercs used (after getting caldoran's permission) by clown9: sceptrix http://steamcommunity.com/id/fantaise/ cabbageoflove http://steamcommunity.com/id/CabbageofLove/ mercs used by hoo: pico http://steamcommunity.com/id/markbodyshot/ shabalaba dingdong http://steamcommunity.com/id/HornyVonHornMeister/
  5. st4rli

    Round 4: Clown 9 vs Laughing Kills

    Vain: umm Vain: sat Vain: 9.30 gecko: k 20/8 9.30pm
  6. st4rli

    Round 3: Clown 9 vs what the fam!

    process: 5-0 for c9 http://logs.tf/1492280?highlight=76561198138883788 snakewater: 5-3 for what the fam http://logs.tf/1492311?highlight=76561198138883788 mercs for c9: itanii mercs for wtf: spades and enkaii we played snakewater final instead of the other version because one of WTF's players couldn't load the map Btkay: yeah Btkay: but Btkay: he cant load it Btkay: for some reason Btkay: he really cant Btkay: he redl Btkay: smth wrong with his files Btkay: can we do snakewaterfinal? CLOWN9. starli: is it possible if we could play the final version of snakewater Caldoran#1123: is your team ok with it? CLOWN9. starli: ye Caldoran#1123: wait is Btkay on your team or the other team CLOWN9. starli: their team Caldoran#1123: ok Caldoran#1123: go ahead CLOWN9. starli: aight Caldoran#1123: make a note when you report the scores yeah
  7. st4rli

    AFC 10 Transfer Window 1

    Player Names (with Steam ID & Steam URL): Kaze http://steamcommunity.com/id/number30/ STEAM_0:0:94709579 Itanii http://steamcommunity.com/id/itanii29/ STEAM_0:0:62517316 Winstone http://steamcommunity.com/id/pewpewxd/ STEAM_0:0:65630974 Original Team or Not Currently Participating: Kaze - GODSENS.GG Winstone - GODSENS.GG Itanii - Not currently participating Destination Team: Clown 9 Destination Team Division: 3
  8. st4rli

    Round 3: Clown 9 vs what the fam!

    match will be played on the 12th of august @ 9.30pm GMT+8
  9. st4rli

    Round 2: Clown 9 vs The Mighty Gibuses

    eggman: can do like eggman: 945 gmt8 teehee: oh sure match will be played on saturday 8/6 @ 9.45pm
  10. st4rli

    Round 1: Clown 9 vs Forever LFT

    gully: 3-1 forever lft logs: http://logs.tf/1480670 mercs used by c9: spade (until he crashed), and kaze mercs used by forever lft: g4stly, k1lled, cabbageoflove
  11. st4rli

    AFC 10 Server Bookings

    Name:starli Team Name: clown9 Team Playing Against:Forever LFT Server Area (SG/HK): HK Server # (0/1/2/3/4/5): 4 Booking Start Time: 1030pm GMT+8 Booking End Time: 11.50pm GMT +8 Any Remarks: 29 July 2016 Friday
  12. st4rli

    AFC 10 Registration

    Team Name: Clown 9 Countries: Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, Hong Kong Preferred Division: 3 Team Steam Group URL: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/wearecloud9_ Team Captain(s) : starli / STEAM_0:0:89309030 / http://steamcommunity.com/id/flor-/ Ruee / STEAM_0:1:88821426 / http://steamcommunity.com/id/Ruee/ Players : m3 / STEAM_0:0:58643514 / http://steamcommunity.com/id/kidwithnolife/ laggerung / STEAM_0:0:54738001 / http://steamcommunity.com/id/laggerung/ leont / STEAM_0:0:153982611 / http://steamcommunity.com/id/lezleiii/ snazzy / STEAM_0:1:29734296 / http://steamcommunity.com/id/sniffingassholes/ zer0 / STEAM_0:1:109244208 / http://steamcommunity.com/id/vacgotmelike20/
  13. st4rli

    Ban Appeals
