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Time for a break

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After certain events that happened today, I realised that apparently many TF2 players dislike me. No, to be honest, I've realised it a while back...


Someone finally shed light as to why some people dislike me... including things like they think I'm not a nice person, they think I'm not a good PUG player/admin, or that I am arrogant.


I was truly surprised. I would never have thought the word "arrogant" was what anyone would use to describe me. Perhaps I get a little defensive when insulted, but never did I think I was arrogant.


You know how often I would hear players say "I'm sick of the community" and they disappear. I never once understood the reason until recently. Coz, I'm sick of the community as well. If events didn't occur today, I would never have imagined the number of people disliking me and the politics that goes around everytime you deafen your mumble. I recall someone commenting in mumble once after a group of people were shit talking another player "now I'm afraid of deafening my mumble".


"Don't take it personally/ to heart" some would tell me. I'm not sure if I am capable of that since their dislike of me says alot about how they see me as a person. I have never thought I was a bad person. The best part is where someone told me I was being disliked for supporting "the other side".


As such, I'm taking a leave of absence from the scrimming scene, where I am neither wanted nor welcomed. I wish you guys all the best in AFL2, I may or may not join, but probably not.


Lastly, to the trollers - you win! yay!


To others that have been facing the same difficulties as me - I finally understand why people disappear or take breaks. I guess playing Team Fortress 2 was a hobby, and once you find that you're not having fun anymore, you should probably move on as well.




PS: To the idiot that was challenging my teaching of an inexperienced demoman, that each class is suppose to focus on their same class... go read this: http://ozfortress.com/showpost.php?p=540010&postcount=14

I thought it was scrimming basics, but perhaps some players disagree. Or feel that "anyhow whack" is the best way to scrim. Sorry that I was harsh, perhaps our reasons for playing scrims differ and I don't feel playing without strats or positioning is the way to improve or learn.

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I really don't know what to say. I'm surprised and annoyed at the fact that this whole drama situation is still happening. I sincerely hope everything resolves itself somehow in the future. /End personal thought.

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That is so not nice.


Priss, really, the first thing you need to understand is that there are different types of people.


In short, while some may mock and troll around with you, there are also some who would love to hear what you have to say.


Maybe those higher end teams would have had enough experience to actually tell you off (I'm just saying, I didnt point fingers because I dont know whho called you "arrogant"), but really, what you have to say may prove valuable for a lot of other players.


Really, when people tell you that you suck in this or that, they either were joking or just being unappreciative and uncooperative trolls. Frankly speaking, while others may call you a bad player, you must realise you're in that area where majority of the people you play with think they're all better than one another (flame shields up). Once again, I'm not pointing fingers, I'm only stating a fact. Because believe me, from personal experience, people everywhere believe I have no skill in pugs, that I dont deserve to be picked for a pug, that I have bad soldier skills, I suck at medic, I do too much crap, this and that bullshit. Hell some of them has the guts to compare me with my own brother, telling me he's 3 times the player I am, and things like that. I know how it feels. But just ignore them and believe in yourself, because IMO you're a damn good player already.


And there will be places you will be accepted, you're just not looking in the right places.


Cheer up. The world needs more understanding and dedicated people like you.

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Just look at the two faggots who put my face as their DP in steam.


And you'll realise how horrible the world is.


But, yaaaah. :(

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Fucking hilarious pic btw' date=' Bran.



I was in OBS, in a quarry, pushing some goddamn DIY raft.

Fuck you all.

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oh my god. I think pris is a very good person and honestly one of the most noob friendly person there is in this community.


its a great loss to see you go.

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zzz seriously...

tel u wat, whn i ws new, racist shit happened to me, and i dnt give a fuck to retards over the internet..well at least most of them....try to cherish over the real lyf u gt there, gettin pissed over the virtual world is seriously retarded... and continue to play, i would lyk to c u play...

and this is fucked up i had to register again :(


edit: removed insulting comments. she doesnt need em.

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except that you don't see this sort of drama trolling bullshit in ozfortress.

the difference is between them and this community is that, no matter if you're good or bad, everybody are just biased towards to their group of friends and like having a bitchfest orgy.

i am not saying that the community in ozfortress don't bitch and shit talk, when they do it, it is excessive and in your face. they don't act like pussies and talk shit and bitch behind everyone's back. the best part of it, even when they do, they are still united as a community and help everyone out be it division1 or division5.


i'm also guessing this community will be good as dead once spammah leaves his position.


thank fuck i get a decent latency to sydney and have been playing in ozfortress instead of putting up shit heads in this community.


just so you know how professional they are, me and rep` have always been shit talking each other in scrims and pick ups, yet he still helps me out with strats and positions.

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rofl. do you want to know how much racism gets thrown at me and other indians every day which is possibly the worst form of online abuse by faggots like adsf? i don't even give a shit. just like you said earlier priss, even if you win an argument on the internet its like the special olympics. you're still retarded. so it doesn't really matter what people said behind your back.

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If you feel that people behind a keyboard and online avatar can accurately judge a person... no they cant.

People in real life can't even do that.


If you stop because you are no longer having fun- thats a great choice please stop even following the forums and things like that. Make a clean break. But if you stop because you are afraid of others' opinion in the game then thats really stupid and you're going to come back one day to face a game you cant face.


Getting emotional baggage from a game is really retarded; real life sees to that without your help. Honestly no one cares if you are a good person or a bad person; right, wrong... That shits' all relative anyway.


Just my 2c, hopefully as short as I tried to make it. Idk I could be wrong.


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Thanks for the kind words and encouragement :) I made this post mainly to acknowledge others that have been going through similar experience as me, because now I know how it feels. Perhaps after what Bright said, it made more sense to me. It makes more sense now why majority of the Indian players have been really friendly and helpful to others in the community. Because they know how it feels to be put down. It's great that many players are putting in effort for AFL2 and trying to make the community a successful one. I'm not going to blame anyone for me losing interest in the game. It's not that I'm afraid of their opinion, but more like I've had enough of it.


I realised 1 thing though, the way to be accepted is just to keep quiet and do your job. It's like that. Even though people want to know why they suck, but if you voice out your opinion of another player's mistakes, you'll be disliked by many. If people point out your mistake, it's also better to keep quiet and take it rather than defending yourself. I think the next time I join another team... I'll remind myself to just keep quiet and play. Probably it's not the best way to help people improve and get to learn one another's play style. But I realised that this IS Asia, if you can't fight them, join them. The worse part is, if they don't like you as a person they won't like you as a player, and vice versa. It's just like what hcaz said above, in Australia they can shit talk each other and still help each other out. But we're in Asia... so until I get out of this country, I'll have to play by the rules too. Sigh.

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Stop pushing it, asshole. I've given you a warning. Next time you'll be banned from the forums and the tournament AND I will make a personal appeal to get you banned from ALL the Singaporean servers.

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rofl. do you want to know how much racism gets thrown at me and other indians every day which is possibly the worst form of online abuse by faggots like adsf? i don't even give a shit. just like you said earlier priss' date=' even if you win an argument on the internet its like the special olympics. you're still retarded. so it doesn't really matter what people said behind your back.



But...but.....ur my best friend how can u call me a faggot :(

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i only called you that because i loved you



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Seeing pris playing again, i guess this issue has been solved.

I guess its time this thread to ends since its getting out of point anyway.

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Seeing pris playing again' date=' i guess this issue has been solved.

I guess its time this thread to ends since its getting out of point anyway.




I'm subbing for teams that wants my help. Still, I'm not sure I'll be able to find a team to play regularly with like before. That being said, there are very few consistent teams training nowadays as well. Sigh~ I've been teamless for the past 1 month ! :(

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From what I see,


There are actually a decent number of teams around scrimming.


Team Arrythmia [FIR, FIR Jr.]

Team XGN [D!NG, RFNV, Haruhi]

Team TF [Orbital, Toughluck]

Team eX* [Ripple, Trauma]

Team Chaineese [Adsf, Conggy, Shuggy]

Team Cataclysmic [Xilver, Toshihiko]

Team SLP [Nnnta, Nnnx]

Team Pnoid [???]

Team Matrix [applepie, luxy]


Just try and approach the players and see whether you can join the team. I mean, you're still considered a decent player and not to mention, experienced with the competitive side of TF2, so you might be able to help both the new and old teams out?


*edited Matrix's contacts.

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Seeing pris playing again' date=' i guess this issue has been solved.

I guess its time this thread to ends since its getting out of point anyway.




I'm subbing for teams that wants my help. Still, I'm not sure I'll be able to find a team to play regularly with like before. That being said, there are very few consistent teams training nowadays as well. Sigh~ I've been teamless for the past 1 month ! :(


Problem solved as in you're still playing instead quiting the game over some comments. Regarding regular scrim team, i'm sure sooner or later you'll be able to find one that suits you or your play style. :sleepy:

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