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ev is a name too short??

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ev is a name too short?? last won the day on February 18 2017

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  1. ev is a name too short??

    AFC 13 Feedback Thread

    Has AFC considered bringing back a registration fee to the league? This may create the incentive for players to put in the effort to improve and possibly create upsets in the divisions. Not something too overwhelming perhaps, something like a 1/3 of a key (will just assume 10 ref for now) that has to be paid by each player, sub and roster rider. Just some quick maths, with 8 teams in division 1, and 10 players in each, the prize pool will be 800 refined. If first place gets 50%, second gets 30% and third gets 20%, we're looking at some nice incentives. This is of course just a random number I thought on the spot, and can perhaps be brought further by the admins. Only issue is what about players in transfer windows. Also where the currency goes to..
  2. ev is a name too short??

    AFC 13 Feedback Thread

    Remove reckoner it sucks especially the new one Add granary or metalworks If granary is added, class limits for sniper has to be changed to 1 because having two snipers to hold granary last is really the gayest thing ever
  3. ev is a name too short??

    Lower Bracket Finals: Prinny Pirate Plunderers vs eat sleeep game

    gg, esg were amazing people, good players too
  4. ev is a name too short??

    [DIV 3] Top players in div 3?

    most toxic player ^
  5. do we have to bring monitor as well? or just pc+peripherals
  6. i am interested to join! edit: i also lft
  7. ev is a name too short??

    AFC 12 Div 2 Playoffs Preview

  8. ev is a name too short??

    Gauging interest in FACEIT

  9. ev is a name too short??

    Doing team demo reviews

    Hello! My alias is evv, and as we're in the early part of the offseason, and my holidays are giving me a little free time, I have decided to help newer teams or more experienced teams trying to break through the division 2 barrier. I would also like to simply reciprocate because I was blessed to have some people who would help me when I was a beginner myself, and hopefully expand the scene in Asia. My experience in competitive tf2 thus far is I think this should be obvious, but if you want a team demo review, you must send an stv file. I cannot do team reviews with pov files. You can get stv files in asiafortress servers here http://league.asiafortress.com/demos/ All reviews will be uploaded to my youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE1XPquyRlDX0I7-3FQWatQ (plug xd) If you want a review done, post your demo in this thread (preferably with the link for asiafortress stvs, or dropbox or google drive) and add my on my steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/eehveeh/ and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
  10. ev is a name too short??

    Chapter 1

    ok wtf
  11. ev is a name too short??

    AFC11 Server Bookings

    Name: evvv Team Name: teche Team Playing Against: tmg Server Area (SG/HK): SG Server # (0/1/2/3/4/5): 04 Booking Start Time: sunday 2nd april 830pm gmt8 Booking End Time: sunday 2nd april 10pm gmt8 Any Remarks: -
  12. ev is a name too short??

    Round 6: 2years vs Technology Eclipse

    also, teche used a merc vetia http://steamcommunity.com/id/vetia
  13. ev is a name too short??

    Round 6: 2years vs Technology Eclipse

    we're amazing gamers we got 1000+ dpm
  14. ev is a name too short??

    AFC11 Server Bookings

    Name: ev Team Name: teche Team Playing Against: 2yrs Server Area (SG/HK): SG Server # (0/1/2/3/4/5): 04 Booking Start Time: friday 17th march, 10pm Booking End Time: friday 17th march, 11:30pm Any Remarks: - Name: ev Team Name: teche Team Playing Against: shufflee Server Area (SG/HK): SG Server # (0/1/2/3/4/5): 04 Booking Start Time: saturday 18th march, 8pm Booking End Time: saturday 18th march, 9:30pm Any Remarks: -