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  • asiafortress cup 14


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Everything posted by 1234Core

  1. 1234Core

    LFT sub scout

    hrs in tf2 atm of this post :1989 main class: scout, sniper, pyro http://steamcommunity.com/id/ReduxPlz have been on previous teams, looking to play as a sub due to an inconsistent schedule.
  2. 1234Core

    LF Demo, Scout, Roamer, Medic

    http://steamcommunity.com./id/biscuitboi I would like to try out as a scout
  3. 1234Core

    Just another Scout

    I know,just another scout looking for a team,But why choose me over the others? 1.1.6k hrs and counting 2. I can offclass to Sniper and maybe get that medic pick 3. I have been in a team before,although it didn't work out,that's why I'm here! 4. I've got all the essentials(Mic & Mumble) 5. I'm a nice guys,I promise Honest reasons others may be better: 1. My internet is quite incosistent 2. I have school soon,so I'll only be playing at night in a month 3. Theres always that Scout with 5k hrs and a hale's own australium scattergun I hope my honesty pays off :PPPP http://steamcommunity.com/id/BiscuitBoi My ID ^^
  4. 1234Core

    Help pls

    So I have heard of server 4,But I have no idea where to find it. All I see in the pug group is the mumble servers can someone PLEASE link me the server? I really want to try out pugs
  5. 1234Core

    Help pls

    It says bad password,Is there a space or something?
  6. 1234Core

    LFT,Sniper & Scout

    Hi! I'm looking for a team that needs a Sniper or Scout I'll be honest with ya,I have 0% Competetive experience! But I DO have 1500+ hrs on tf2 And maybe if you pick me up I'll get experience and who knows,I might get all the way up to platinum one day! http://steamcommunity.com/id/DerpSky/ ^^My steam profile I'm willing to wait a LONG time till someone finds interest to recruit me,so thank you for your time!
  7. 1234Core

    PUG Group Applications

    Name:Redux Steam Account Link:http://steamcommunity.com/id/DerpSky/ TF2 hours:1503(And Counting!) PUGs in server 4: 0 Sizzling Stats:http://sizzlingstats.com/player/76561198053532761 Banned in Asiafortress servers before?:no