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  • asiafortress cup 14


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Everything posted by Bob

  1. http://fenglee.com/game/aog/ how2strafe i dont geddit. Also if you never follow the manga, you can only kill the titans by slicing open the back of their necks.
  2. Bob

    Staff updates, upcoming changes

    now i see all the stranges with the 4-5 digit number of kills appearing.
  3. Class: Medic Playing Times: NIGHT Preferred Skill Level: Div 2-3 Group Steam Community Page: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/teamsolstice Team contacts: qjyap: http://steamcommunity.com/id/qjyap <- preferred contact bobb: http://steamcommunity.com/id/FUZZ2EZ <- i beat him in mge once. snowiie: http://steamcommunity.com/id/IceColdSnow <- girl Other Information: netflux's voice is sexy.
  4. decreased the transparency by 30 also new disguise panel cause i couldnt fix the old one haha at this point i had no idea what im doing.
  5. Bob

    Everything isn't about you; a PSA

    Nice read. Is that book good? im looking for some fresh new book to read.
  6. when you change in the txt file, the corresponding dat file doesnt update. You have to recompile it.
  7. I removed some useless captions cause knowing that you splashed someone with jarate or a scout used bonk isnt that impt. Basically to reduce clutter. I tried using the old game info.txt method but as soon as i compile, it gives me an error message then compiler crashes.
  8. teach me how you compile pls ლ(o◡oლ) I will be eternally grateful (ó ì_í)=óò=(ì_í ò)
  9. Connect to pug servers directly without the hassle of typing in aflmatch! Woohooo 1) okay so first you paste this "Server1" { "label" "AF PUG SG#1" "command" "engine Server1" } "Server2" { "label" "AF PUG SG#2" "command" "engine Server2" } "Server3" { "label" "AF PUG SG#3" "command" "engine Server3" } "Server4" { "label" "AF PUG SG#4" "command" "engine Server4" } into your GameMenu.res which should be located in your resource folder. 2) Then you paste this serverconnect buttons to be in mainmenuoverride.txt into mainmenuoverride.res which is in your resource/ui folder Ctrl+F and replace Font5 with Default or any font of your choice If you want to change the positioning, its the xpos and ypos. The buttons draw from the right and are in the 2/4 section from the top. If you're using a custom font other than Default, you might need to change the wide and tall values of the buttons and move the positions. 3)Finally you paste this alias Server1 "connect <>;password <aflmatch>" alias Server2 "connect <>;password <aflmatch>" alias Server3 "connect <>;password <aflmatch>" alias Server4 "connect <>;password <aflmatch>" into your autoexec.cfg which is in your cfg folder Tell me if anything goes wrong
  10. boxes or shadows. Also made another modification where the healing target's id is above the uber meter like what teal suggested but i forgot to ss it
  11. Bob

    weapon whitlelist

    can we allow the conscientious objector too? I have this image on it and want it to be seared into people's minds. http://cheezburger.com/658206976
  12. Bob

    Two Cities update: Manhattan

    hahaha. there's a banana in mvm_manhattan that actually makes you slip into the rotating gears that'll kill you. There's even sound for the slip
  13. Bob

    Two Cities update: Manhattan

    australium-plated weapons instead of weapons with robot heads hanging off of them.
  14. captioncompiler.exe is currently bugged cause of steampipe. Close captions would take a longer time to do
  15. Bob

    It's not easy being green. Or a roamer

    haha fuzz, u damn bad haha.
  16. someone finally gave me loads feedback :'D My 50+ hours of making this didnt go to waste :"D I guess i'll put a white bg behind the health for target id and change the base font colour to black (black on white when normal hp, blue on white when on) I'll put a smaller font for killfeed The font i use doesnt have proper glyphs or symbols so it appears as boxes. I'll find a substitute font that resembles the current one. The quit button is there cause im puting a logo above the the play multiplayer button (in the futuuure) The engineer menu is bugged out. the weird keys dont seem to go away. I'll need to work on a way to fix it. I'll shrink down the item inspect panel I'm working on a good win panel but its ugly so far ohya my hud is not optimised for mvm cause I too lazy sorry haha (maybe next time) I'll finish all of these by this week most probably
  17. Bob

    Some fragz :3

    nice vid
  18. Bob


    rate me pls #pickbobb
  19. I forgot about the spy disguise panels haha :P/> I'll upload them as soon as i finish changing it https://code.google.com/p/rawrhud/downloads/detail?name=BaseHUD%201.0%20FIXED.zip&can=2&q=