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PUG Group Applications

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Steam Account Link:http://steamcommunity.com/id/oitnb

tf2 hours: 1800+

pugs in server 4:27

logs.tf profile:http://logs.tf/profile/76561198118840662

Banned in asiafortress servers before:no

level of understanding the pugging guidelines: I understand what can happen if I negatively affect other players in pugs, and will get banned if I do not follow any of the rules.

Edited by abysmal

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Name: mdhanif

Steam Account Link: http://steamcommunit...d/atillathehan/

TF2 hours: 1215

PUGs in server 4: 13 i think

LogsTF Profile: http://logs.tf/profi...561198060458259

Banned in Asiafortress servers before: No

Level of understanding of the pugging guidelines:  fully understand the guidelines and acknowledge that I will be held liable for inappropriate behaviour and consequently will be banned for breaking the rules.

Edited by mdhanif

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Name: Shank

Steam Account Link: steamcommunity.com/id/Four-Nine

TF2 hours: 1513

PUGs in server 4: A lot. Probably around 60?

LogsTF Profile: http://logs.tf/profile/76561198039913278

Banned in Asiafortress servers before?: No, but I have left the steam group, leaving me asking to rejoin the whitelist.

Level of understanding the pug guidelines: I understand the PUG Guidelines.

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Name: mdhanif

Steam Account Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/atillathehan/

TF2 hours: 1197

PUGs in server 4: 11 i think

LogsTF Profile: http://logs.tf/profile/76561198060458259

Banned in Asiafortress servers before: No

Understand the pugging guidelines: Yes






Steam Account Link:https://steamcommunity.com/id/whysomad1/home/

TF2 hours:1244

PUGs in server 4:

LogsTF Profile:  http://logs.tf/profile/76561198118406698

Banned in Asiafortress servers before?: Nope

Level of understanding the pug guidelines: High




Name: Shank

Steam Account Link: steamcommunity.com/id/Four-Nine

TF2 hours: 1513

PUGs in server 4: A lot. Probably around 60?

LogsTF Profile: http://logs.tf/profile/76561198039913278

Banned in Asiafortress servers before?: No, but I have left the steam group, leaving me asking to rejoin the whitelist.

Level of understanding the pug guidelines: I understand the PUG Guidelines.





The rest have incomplete applications, private profiles or insufficient logs in their logs.tf profile.

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Name: Nagisa Furukawa

Steam Account Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/dangodangodaikazoku/

TF2 hours: 659

PUGs in server 4: I'm not sure of this exactly.

LogsTF Profile:http://logs.tf/profile/76561198073466874

Banned in Asiafortress servers before?: Nope.avi

Level of understanding the pug guidelines: Clearer than a tub of melted silicon dioxide.

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Name: Sfwag (TF2), Sfwag (Asiafortress account).

Steam Account Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ajrul/

TF2 hours: As of today, 1197 hrs on record.

PUGs in server 4: No?

LogsTF Profile: http://logs.tf/profile/76561197963064067

Banned in Asiafortress servers before?: Never. XD

Level of understanding the pug guidelines: I understand the pug guidelines and the consequences of inappropriate behaviours in pugs.


I hope I can get a place in the white-list. Thanks! XD

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