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server connect buttons for huds woohooo

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Connect to pug servers directly without the hassle of typing in aflmatch! Woohooo



1) okay so first you paste this




"label" "AF PUG SG#1"

"command" "engine Server1"




"label" "AF PUG SG#2"

"command" "engine Server2"




"label" "AF PUG SG#3"

"command" "engine Server3"




"label" "AF PUG SG#4"

"command" "engine Server4"



into your GameMenu.res which should be located in your resource folder.


2) Then you paste this serverconnect buttons to be in mainmenuoverride.txt

into mainmenuoverride.res which is in your resource/ui folder


Ctrl+F and replace Font5 with Default or any font of your choice


If you want to change the positioning, its the xpos and ypos. The buttons draw from the right and are in the 2/4 section from the top.


If you're using a custom font other than Default, you might need to change the wide and tall values of the buttons and move the positions.


3)Finally you paste this



alias Server1 "connect <>;password <aflmatch>"

alias Server2 "connect <>;password <aflmatch>"

alias Server3 "connect <>;password <aflmatch>"

alias Server4 "connect <>;password <aflmatch>"


into your autoexec.cfg which is in your cfg folder



Tell me if anything goes wrong :D



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