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The Agentcy | PUGs and Scrims server

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The Agentcy | Sigma | PUGs and Scrims


Server kindly provided by Agent K


Please contact nmy if you have any queries.

Steam Profile


This server is meant to host pick-up games for players who are not eligible to participate in the Asiafortress Academy (AFA) PUGs. However, those who are eligible to join the AFA PUGs can still participate in PUGs in this server.

This server is also available for teams who wish to scrim. Scrims take precedence over PUGs, but teams will have to wait for the current PUG taking place to end (if there is one) before commencing the scrim.


There are two different configs in this server. The default one will be the PUG config, where teams will play to a round difference of 5, or to the end of 30 minutes. Teams can request for an admin to change the config to the SCRIM config should there be a scrim, where teams will play to the full 30 minutes, regardless of the score, so teams can practise the map for the full 30 minutes.


There are a couple of changes to the unlocks allowed, a few notable changes include the allowing of the use of:


> Gunboats

> Equalizer

> Bonk! Atomic Punch

> Sandvich


These unlockables are allowed because they provide opportunities for teams to implement more strategies into their gameplay.


Rules and Regulations:


Players are expected to be courteous and keep trolling and flaming to a minimum.


For PUGs

1) Players will join up the teams, and once there is a combined total of twelve (12) players joined up, players will roll to spec immediately. The last two to spec will join the teams as medics and will have a melee-fight in the middle capture point. The winner of the duel will commence picking.


2) While the duel is going on, players in specs should take the initiative to consolidate a list of players who haven't played the previous map, and provide this list to the medic captains. Medic captains have to pick from the list first, until the list is exhausted, then proceed on to pick other players.


3) Offclassing is allowed, but only for legitimate purposes. For example, a pyro defending last is considered acceptable. However, if anyone is found to have offclassed merely to be a nuisance to his or the other team, he will be severely dealt with.


4) Teams will play to a win difference of five (5), for example, 5-0 or 1-6, then the PUG will end.


5) Players can then use the votemap command to vote for the next map.



1) Teams can request for server admins to join in the server and execute the scrim config.


2) Even though SCRIMs take precedence over PUGs, teams must wait for the PUG going on to end before requesting for the puggers to leave the server/spec. Even though scrims do take precedence over PUGs, teams are expected to be polite and courteous to the puggers when requesting for the usage of the server.


Final notes:


This server is kindly provided by Agent K of The Agentcy. Cheers to him.


Should there be any persistent discontent, disputes or queries regarding the use of this server,


please contact nmy at

Steam Profile


The Agentcy | Sigma | PUGs and Scrims


Do note that this server is not under any form of Asiafortress administration.


connect; password sigmapug


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