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Some observations

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Hello! I thought id post this because im bored in London waiting for my trip to start. This is probably for the newer pug players and maybe some old dickwads as well. It may not all be true or applicable, but are from my general observations from playing alot and watching alot of matches in the past.


Medic heal priority *******WHEN FIGHTING****** should usually be 1) demo (just enough to get him out of immediate danger, ie enough for him to keep spamming at a safe distance and deter suicide scout/sollies 2) SOLLIES (whoever is doing most of the fighting at the moment 3) THEN scouts and only if they are full/near full


Why I made this post is because I see many new players playing scout, which is understandable if ur coming from CS or whatever its the closest to a pure aim class as u can get. But I also see many scouts take 60-70 dmg from random spam/skirmish and go beside the medic and call heals. This also applies to roams, albeit to a lesser extent and is more open to your judgement. Now this is a bad idea for a few reasons:


a) You stress the med out

B) You make the med drop full buffs from demo + pocket

c) You are the fastest class most able to avoid damage while running away

d) You deny any chance whatsoever of the medic occasionally giving the roam 300

e) You give massive easy suicide demo durian buffet if he decides to suicide your medic in that 5-6 seconds you are standing there beside your med.


So what you should be doing is taking 3-4 seconds off whatever your watching and GO FIND A MEDPACK , THEN return for the full buff.


Picture this crude scenario that actually happens pretty often if you pay attention:


You 1v1 another scout and kill him, you have 5 hp left. You will die in 1 rocket, or 1 half arsed shotty, or a collateral pipe roll, or a flick from spammahs winky dick. On the other flank, ur sollies (and maybe demo) are trading spam. The roamer takes 1 nade to the face and is now at 110 (cuz nades are OP). Now, instead of going to find a big medpack, you go to ur medic, who spends his next 70 heals on you. Suddenly ur party is jumped and your roamer dies in 2 seconds becuz hes at 110. Now ur still gonna die in 1 rocket, or a decent pipe/sticky, prob not from spammahs dick, but you get my point. That 70 hp on you was WASTED, you will die in 1 or 1.5 hits ANYWAY. If the medic had spent this 70 on the roamer instead, bringing him to 180, he now has a much better chance of taking 1 rocket and having enough health to rjump away. Replace the roamer with demo and i think you will see why in many situations you dont want the medic to be healing you when you can scavenge around for multiple small med packs/ or go find a large one.


any thoughts are appreciated



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very well said.


soldiers and scouts need to identify where they spawn and know when they spawn right between the medic and demoman. if you do spawn between the medic and demo, duck at the beginning so that the medic can tag the demoman!


medics do fix your loadouts! medigun + needlegun + ubersaw is the way to go! as a medic, you should be healing every second you can. with that said the +2hp passive regen of the needlegun over the blutsauger will be much more useful than lifesteal needles. the extra regen allows you to recover faster, hold ground longer and minimize the need to de-tour for healthpacks.


another thing i notice is the amount of off-classing in pugs. more often than not they do it at the wrong time.

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A few more random points that natas post brought to mind:


1) At the start, unless a) the resup is between spawn and the spawn door (eg. freight, granary vs badlands, gully), or B) you are wearing gunboats, you should NEVER boost to the door. Again for a few reasons.


Firstly, the time saved in getting to mid is negligible. It is much more efficient/effective to practice your rollout again and again, knowing which corners to cut and how to run/rjump in the best way possible. Most of the time the few seconds saved here and there along the way far outweigh the boost at the start.


Secondly, and most importantly, YOU PREVENT YOURSELF AND THE OTHER SOLLY FROM REACHING MID WITH 300-300. Many times, you will also prevent at least 1 scout for entering the fight with full buffs. What is the point of reaching mid 2-3 seconds faster than the other team when the most you can do is fire 1 spam rocket more, when you and your other solly are at 260-200?


Thirdly, which follows from the second point, if you dont already know, the medic heals on you are at an increased rate at the start of the round at spawn AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT TAKE DAMAGE. Therefore if only the demo (after waiting for max buff) boosts to door, there is a much higher chance of the entire team (including scouts) reaching mid with near full buffs, making mid a better fight. If you boost yourself down to 120 hp just to get to the stupid door, you not only cost yourself 80 hp, but the longer time taken for the med to get you back to 200 translates into more than 80hp lost on other class buffs (because they, unlike you, have not taken damage).


This may seem trivial, but it can mean the difference of your roam eating a nade and having enough hp to suicide the demo/medic, versus taking a nade and dropping to 30 hp and wandering around like a useless retard until an OP nade roll kills him.


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another reason not to boost as pocket on rollout. your speed to mid is tied down by the medic. ideally if equaliser is allowed, the roamer will equalise to mid (boost forward until around 50hp then run and wait for crit heals at resup bridge on badlands, yard tank on granary).


the pocket/medic should be last to arrive at the mid-fight as the medic is the slowest class on roll-out.

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