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  • asiafortress cup 14


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Neosizzle last won the day on February 26 2019

Neosizzle had the most liked content!

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3 Neutral

About Neosizzle

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  1. Neosizzle

    Division 2

    T?eam Name: ABNA Player Name: nszl Steam?ID64: 76561198231807212 Logs: http://logs.tf/2122009#76561198231807212 , http://logs.tf/2122031#76561198231807212 ( week 2 both) T?eam Name: ABNA Player Name: rubyks Steam?ID64: 76561198050697025 Logs: http://logs.tf/2122009#76561198050697025 , http://logs.tf/2122031#76561198050697025 (week 2 both) T?eam Name: ABNA Player Name: combustion Steam?ID64: 76561198050199388 Logs: http://logs.tf/2122009#76561198050199388 (wk 2) , http://logs.tf/2127847#76561198050199388 (wk 3) T?eam Name: ABNA Player Name: shifta Steam?ID64: 76561197998832956 Logs: http://logs.tf/2122009#76561197998832956 , http://logs.tf/2122031#76561197998832956(week 2 both) T?eam Name: ABNA Player Name: yekom Steam?ID64: 76561198231807212 Logs: http://logs.tf/2122009#76561198038998675 , http://logs.tf/2122031#76561198038998675 (week 2 both) T?eam Name: ABNA Player Name: myrtle Steam?ID64: 76561198231807212 Logs: http://logs.tf/2122031#76561198121563829 (wk 2) , http://logs.tf/2132819#76561198231807212 (wk 4) T?eam Name: ABNA Player Name: resbik Steam?ID64: 76561198134149321 Logs: http://logs.tf/2136016#76561198134149321 , http://logs.tf/2136002#76561198134149321 (wk 5 both) T?eam Name: ABNA Player Name: giraffe Steam?ID64: 76561198283330361 Logs: http://logs.tf/2136016#76561198283330361 , http://logs.tf/2136002#76561198283330361 (wk 5 both) T?eam Name: ABNA Player Name: wonkerz Steam?ID64: 76561198827195435 Logs: http://logs.tf/2142333#76561198827195435 , http://logs.tf/2142357#76561198827195435 (wk 6 both)
  2. Neosizzle

    Round 5: HYPEBEAST vs ABNA

    [8:01 PM] nszl: 8.30? [8:01 PM] kurt: just 9 best for margin of error most people might come late [8:02 PM] nszl: 8.40 then Some of us has to start leaving around 9.39 30 [8:03 PM] kurt: ok wait [8:27 PM] kurt: aight 8:30 sg time friday [8:30 PM] nszl: Cool server? [8:30 PM] kurt: shana probs ill do it any servers not to get? [9:22 PM] nszl: yeah everything is fine 4 us [9:22 PM] kurt: k will you post the screen or will it i* [9:25 PM] nszl: ill post it [9:26 PM] kurt: aight thanks
  3. Neosizzle

    AFC 14 Transfer Window 1

    name: chipsy https://steamcommunity.com/id/chipssyyy/ from: abna to: idk what happened: cut name: yekom https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198038998675 from:abna to:life what happened: cut name:resbik http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198134149321 from: life to:abna what happened: joined name:giraffe https://steamcommunity.com/id/looobc/ from: life to:abna what happened: joined name: parallel https://steamcommunity.com/id/paralIel/ from:like to:abna: what happened:joined
  4. Neosizzle

    Round 3: Ayam Fruit Salad vs ABNA

    to be played Sunday 8pm
  5. Neosizzle

    Round 2: UMU vs ABNA

    http://logs.tf/2122009#76561198231807212 http://logs.tf/2122031#76561198231807212 umu won both maps
  6. Neosizzle

    Round 2: UMU vs ABNA

    http://prntscr.com/kw3uaz this sat,8.45,shana 2
  7. Neosizzle

    Round 1: ABNA vs massive cranium esports

    They forfiet: http://prntscr.com/kuzxag
  8. div 3 playoff teams:

    anti clock




    unless one of the teams get slammed like abna in afc 12

    1. Neosizzle


      snr too sorry i missed it

    2. TurtleKicks


      only wubwub in playoffs? not the whole team :(

    3. BangFlash
  9. Neosizzle

    AFC 14 Server Bookings

    Name: nszl Team Name:abna Team Playing Against:massive cranium esports Server Area (SG/HK):sg Server # (0/1/2/3/4/5):1 Booking Start Time:8pm Booking End Time:9.30pm Any Remarks: no specs please, feel free to !takeover if you dont see anyone else left in the server starting 8.15.
  10. Neosizzle

    Round 1: ABNA vs massive cranium esports

    http://prntscr.com/ktiyfo match to be played at 8pm gmt+8 this sunday, afl sg servers, no mercs as for now.
  11. Neosizzle

    AFC 14 Registration

    Team Name:abna Countries:SG,MY,AU,PH,IN,INDO Preferred Division: 2 Team Steam Group URL:https://s.team/chat/CijJszuz Team Captain(s) (Name / Steam ID / Profile URL): neosizzle / STEAM_0:0:135770742/https://steamcommunity.com/id/neosizzle/ rubyks / STEAM_0:1:45215648/ https://steamcommunity.com/id/yashsaini019/ (vice) Players (Name / Steam ID / Profile URL): comby/STEAM_0:0:44966830/ https://steamcommunity.com/id/fireballhat/ chipsy /STEAM_0:1:5112784 / https://steamcommunity.com/id/chipssyyy/ yekom / STEAM_0:1:39366473 / https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198038998675 shifta/ STEAM_0:0:19283614/https://steamcommunity.com/id/Shifta/ wonkerz / STEAM_0:1:433464853/https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198827195435/ sceptrix/ STEAM_0:1:98316950/https://steamcommunity.com/id/fantaise/ mytrle/ STEAM_0:1:80649050/https://steamcommunity.com/id/Mytrle/ █████████████▀▀██▀█████████████████ ███████████▀▀██▀█▄▄█▀▀▀▀███████████ █████████──────────────────████████ ████████────────────────────▀██████ ███████───────────────────────█████ █████▀────────▄──────────▄─────▀███ ████▀────▄▀▀▀▀─█─────▄▀▀▀─▀▄─────██ ████────█─▄▀▀▄─█────█─▄▀▀▄──█────██ ███─────█──▀▀─▄▀────▀▄─▀▀──▄▀─────█ ██▀─────▀▀▀▀▀▀────────▀▀▀▀▀───────█ ██────────────▐───────────────────█ █▀────────────▌────▌──────────────█ █────────────▐─▄─▄─▐──────────────█ █────────▐────────────────────────█ █────────▌───────────────────────██ █───────▐──▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄────────────██ ██───────▄▀▄████████▄█▄─▌───────███ ███──────█▄█▄▄█▄▄█▄▄██▀─▐─────▄████ ███▄──────▀█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀───────▄██████ █████▄──▀▄────────────────▄████████ ██████▄▄──▀─────────────▄██████████ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
  12. Neosizzle

    Looking for a div 2 scout

    Looking for a div 2 scout for afc 14 My team, ABNA, is tentatively looking for a main scout to be rostered for afc 14. REQUIREMENTS Chill attidude Have a steady schedule for weekday nights Has a mic and is willing to use it on discord And of course, Div 2 level. OTHER NOTEWORTHY THINGS Players from all over the world are welcomed as long as you are comfy with your own ping We are from South-East Asia. We will have scrims on every Wed,Thurs,Sat and Sunday We are english-speaking If intrested, please contact me on Steam or Discord(Neosizzle#8082) EDIT- found. thanks for looking into this tho
  13. Neosizzle

    Grand Finals: Abnormal Sodium vs Alphadog

    Merc used by abna : manceloot approved by both teams
  14. Neosizzle

    Grand Finals: Abnormal Sodium vs Alphadog

    We propose to postpone the match to be played at 11th of April 8pm gmt+8
  15. Neosizzle

    Grand Finals: Abnormal Sodium vs Alphadog

    maps are prolands , process, sunshine(tiebreaker)