Happy New Year everyone! As we enter 2019, the AsiaFortress Administrators have big news so make sure to read the entire announcement.
Firstly, our friends at serveme.tf have graciously provided us their services and you may now visit their site to book servers for scrims/future matches.
Secondly, a new mumble server is available for everyone to use. The details for the server are as follow:
IP: fwishy.me
Port: 64738
The server is publicly available. However, to request for a private channel, follow the instructions given in the #mumble-queries text channel on our discord. The channel will also serve as a communication point should the server crash.
The IP ( is also tied to an MGE server called "The Aquarium". Looking to expand to SOAPDM in the future.
Finally and most importantly, we have set up a crowd fundraiser to make up for the costs community member Rednexela bore by spearheading the organization of AFLAN18. Make sure to donate if you enjoyed the event and want to make up for the deficit! Donate here.
The AsiaFortress Administrators would like to thank everyone for another great year of competitive TF2 and we hope to see everyone in 2019. Make sure to keep your eyes peeled for the upcoming AsiaFortress Cup 15 announcement.
Edited by fwishyy
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