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SteamIRC available!

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SteamIRC is now available. This actually breaks down the in-game barrier to mIRC. This would also be much better than the traditional Steam Chat as mIRC provides a platform for competitive players. Please do download mIRC for windows also. This plugin purpose is to breakdown the barriers of in-game and non in-game players.


So I made an ingame IRC client for Source based games (Orange Box Engine only atm).

Since it only works on Orange Box Engine games and TF2 is about the largest game running on that engine I thought I'd post it here.




It's still lacking a lot of advanced functions, but it already supports the most important basic stuff:


* Ingame chat in channels or PMs

* An ingame GUI that resides on the main menu, allowing fast and easy access to your chat. (can be shown or hidden with a hotkey)

* The following commands: MSG, NICK, KICK, MODE, JOIN, PART, TOPIC, NOTICE

* Can receive (but not yet send) colored chat

* An included config that sets your nickname/user data and optionally auto-connects on game startup.



Check out the download link for more screenshots.


It's a client-side plugin. No, you will not get VAC banned by using this (unless Valve suddenly sees this post and decides that IRC clients are obviously t3h h4x0rz and blacklists it... ).


Download link: http://home.scarlet.be/~rt022830/steamirc.htm




Navigate to your C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\\\ folder.


Example: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\angryzor1\team fortress 2\tf


This folder will be called the "game folder" from now on.


First, open the cfg folder in your game folder.

If you already have an autoexec.cfg file, then open that file and append the contents of the autoexec.cfg provided with SteamIRC.

Otherwise, just copy the autoexec.cfg provided.


Now open the autoexec.cfg, as it allows you to set some options. Follow the instructions in the file.


Now copy all the other folders ("addons" and "resource") in the ZIP to your game folder. If it asks if you want to merge folders, choose yes.


SteamIRC is now installed. If it doesn't work ingame, try the solution in the autoexec.cfg.




After installing, there are some changes that need to be editted in autoexec.cfg. Firstly the IRC server, look for "irc_hostname" and change the values to irc.gamesurge.net. Secondly, change your irc nickname("irc_nickname") so it would be easier for people to identify you. You can also change the binds to your liking


Extras(this works well with only normal mIRC. Unstable with NNscript)

For those who wants to sync both window client and in-game interface on one user client. This is going to be long-winded, be mentally prepared.


In order to do this you must download ZNC first.

ZNC: http://code.google.com/p/znc-msvc/downloads/list


Once you've downloaded, unpack it to wherever you want it. Next you'd have to configure it.


ZNC Configuration


Go to start, Run (For vista users, use search)

Type in "" --makeconf

A window would popup asking you questions

Follow the answers here

* What port to listen on? 6667

* Listen using SSL? no

* Listen using ipv6? no

* Listen Host:

* Load any global modules? no

* Username:

* Password:

* Password confirm:

* Would you like this user to be an admin? yes

* Nickname: (It has to be the same as your mIRC client)

* Alt Nick:

* Ident: (It has to be the same as your mIRC client)

* Real Name: (It has to be the same as your mIRC client)

* VHost:

* Number of lines blabla: 200 (This value has been tested by Ratsyc and didnt crash)

* Keep buffers:

* Default channel modes:

* Automatically load user modules? no

* IRC server: (in this case it would be irc.gamesurge.net)

* IRC port: (use default: 6667)

* Password:

* Use SSL? no (unless you're doing this for other server that uses SSL)

* Add another server? no

* Add a channel for ZNC to auto join? no (it will autojoin the channels anyway)

* Setup another user? no

* Start ZNC now? no


Solving an annoyance (optional but recommended)


Now, there is an annoying thing about ZNC. This thing is: it opens a DOS prompt while running. It just sits there on your desktop doing nothing. So, we want to get rid of that.


The easiest way i can think of right now is using a script that runs it with a hidden window.


Open Notepad. Type the following lines into it:


var sh = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");







var sh = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");



Save that in your ZNC folder, under the name runznc.js (make sure you set "Save as type" to "All files (*.*)")


Making ZNC Autorun ..or not


You can choose to manually run it, or run it automatically

To run manually just create a shortcut for runznc.js file

To run it automatically, create a shortcut in starup folder, located at Start > Programs > Startup


Configuration for mIRC + autoexec.cfg


Add a new server (mIRC Options > Connect > Servers)


Call it ZNC, and make it use the following data:

hostname: localhost

port: 6667

password: : (the username and password you've entered in the ZNC questionaire)


Make sure all your user data information is identical to ZNC's configuration

(identd, username, real name, nickname, everything)


Now start ZNC by clicking the runznc.js shortcut


Connect to the ZNC server you've added that I mentioned above.


Last step: editing SteamIRC's autoexec.cfg file.


set irc_hostname to "localhost"

set irc_host_port to "6667"

set irc_host_pass to ":" (the username and password you've entered in the ZNC questionaire)


Make sure all information is identical to ZNC and mIRC

irc_username (this is identd)




Save the autoexec.cfg and run TF2. Both clients should connect to the same nickname.


Original tutorial: http://home.scarlet.be/~rt022830/zncconf.htm

(editted to make it clearer)








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you dont even need to alt tab just press the windows button and switch b/w programs in a second and even if you minimize tf2 by mistake just takes a second to get it back.....though you cannot change monitor gamma

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or get a second monitor? dont think anyone who has things to do other than play video games and masturbate can function without a second monitor


dual monitors are overrated.

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