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I am hcaz. AMA (Scout Related)

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Brain scouts or Aim scouts?

i have never come against a scout with brains that has a shit aim but have seen endless all aim no brain scouts. you can probably get away with just aim playing against low level teams but never with high level teams.


besides' date=' it's easier to have good aim than good brains ;)


How to shoot properly (make your shots hit) and what sense to play at in general once you're comfortable?

go to a pub/pug and shoot enemies. notice at which point you do the most damage. (i'm assuming you have a hud that tells you how much damage you have dealt) then keep practicing shooting at the same angle/direction every time. it differs for opponent scouts and heavy classes. it's much easier to meatshot medics and heavy classes as compared to scouts.

i have a slightly higher interp and a lower sensitivity for scout.


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