AsiaFortress Cup 14: Ruleset Changes
(The banner says 13)
Greetings, gamers!
The official announcement of the next AsiaFortress season is yet to come as we still have some details to work out, but there are some changes that we've made to the rules in hopes of improving player experience, and we'll be sharing these changes with you so that we can get your feedback.
First of all, we understand that one of the main complaints that has been arising for the past few seasons has been about the seeding of teams, such as the placing of Ayam Penyet into AFC13 Division 3 (lost their first match of the season) and allowing certain players into Excitement Beneficiaries (did not finish first place). As such, we've decided to implement a more objective measurement of skill into our league. Teams will no longer need to specify their preferred division on registration, and instead they will be sorted into divisions based on the average MGE Elo of their best 5 MGE players. Hopefully, as an unbiased, objective, mathematical measure of skill, this will allow for the best possible balance between divisions.
Next, we've also noticed a sharp rise in teams using Discord over Mumble for voice communication. While we understand that Discord provides many attractive features such as the ability for weebs to endlessly post images of their waifu in every channel and the ability to add seventeen variations of the :thinking: emoji to your server, we'd like people to note that it brings with it many disadvantages as well, such as the reliance on Discord's servers being up, the relatively high CPU usage, and most importantly, Head Administrator fwishy is slightly lower in volume on Discord. As such, we've decided to implement a new rule for the upcoming AsiaFortress Cup — all teams must have a dedicated Mumble channel or personal server which must be used for all official AsiaFortress matches. As proof, teams are to use the Record feature in Mumble and must submit logs when asked. Failure to comply by this rule will result in matches being overturned.
We'd love to hear your opinions on our new changes, and look forward to seeing you next season!
EDIT: jk lamo