Greetings AsiaFortress community!
Today we will be rolling out a new experimental change to the chat system and rules in our PUG servers.
Effective from this post, all text chat will be disabled when the PUG goes live. Text chat will remain enabled during warmup, setup and post-game.
Chat will be fully enabled at all times during Scrim Mode.
Additionally, Mumble is now compulsory for PUGs. Refusal to join the designated Mumble channels may result in a kick from the PUG for someone else to take the player slot, and continual refusal may lead to escalated penalties.
If you are a new player who does not know how to use Mumble, follow this guide to install and set up Mumble.
After you have installed Mumble, you may click on these links to be automatically moved to the server and designated channels.
Feedback may be provided as a reply to this thread. We will be evaluating the results of this experimental change, taking all your feedback into account. Lastly, speaking of feedback, I have posted a thread in general discussion about possible future changes to the AsiaFortress Whitelist. You can see it here
Thanks, and happy pugging!