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boiled dumplings

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About boiled dumplings

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    Just Installed TF2

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  1. boiled dumplings

    Upper Bracket Semifinals: Luminaire vs The Chess Foundation

    Process 5-1 to tcf http://logs.tf/2156333#76561198057200043 Gully 3-2 (GC) to tcf http://logs.tf/2156347#76561198057200043 / http://logs.tf/2156362#76561198057200043 ggwp
  2. boiled dumplings

    Upper Bracket Semifinals: Luminaire vs The Chess Foundation

    To be played on 11/11 Sunday 9pm sg time Maps in order : Process>Gully>Snake glhhfhff
  3. boiled dumplings

    Round 2: R%% vs Luminaire

    Gully 3-2 to R%% http://logs.tf/2141033#76561198057200043 Product 3-0 to Luminaire http://logs.tf/2141051#76561198057200043 gl in playoffs
  4. boiled dumplings

    Round 5: ABEnomix vs Luminaire

    Abenomix forfeits. [22:05] DISASTER: Hey, are you guys forfeiting this week? I need confirmation from you so i can post it on the match threads [22:05] 安倍晋三 (abe): ye forfeit [22:06] DISASTER: alright, all the best to you guys
  5. boiled dumplings

    Round 4: The Chess Foundation vs Luminaire

    snake tie 1:1 http://logs.tf/2132847#76561198046800675 gran TCF wins 3-2 http://logs.tf/2132862#76561198046800675 ggs
  6. boiled dumplings

    Round 3: Luminaire vs xiao

    To be played Saturday 09/29 at 9:30pm ^________^
  7. boiled dumplings

    Round 1: Luminaire vs Anuj Fan Club.BLK

    Map1 blands 2-1 to Luminaire http://logs.tf/2116427#76561198046800675 Map2 gully 6-1 to Luminaire http://logs.tf/2116449#76561198046800675
  8. boiled dumplings

    Round 1: Luminaire vs Anuj Fan Club.BLK

    Match to be played on 09/14, 9:30pm sg time. Pure HK