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  • asiafortress cup 14


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Everything posted by Summer

  1. Which day this week can we play our game?
  2. Crap i got an accounting paper on monday... i'll get back to you man. meanwhile, we pick viaduct. Will get back to you ASAP
  3. just ended zach. badlands : 5-0 via: 4-0 Both to Masterful. GG
  4. and 9pm is good, we're playing derp crew at 10
  5. oh right, we choose viaduct, sorry about that
  6. he agreed on 10pm, we're playing sausages at 9pm
  7. derppppppps reply me here or on steam please we're playing spanish sausages on sunday and we're not free on saturday.
  8. Alright i'll let the rest know.
  9. Summer

    Lower level pug?

    well we have the !sm_votemenu system enabled, but just because we have the privilege of using it doesn't mean we can randomly abuse the system..
  10. Summer

    Lower level pug?

    But with the old capping system there was always the problem of nobody wanting to med. I still remember times when i had to med 3 ~ 4 maps in a row because nobody would bother volunteering, and once they see that the classes they wanted to play in red and blu are taken up they'd leave the server :/ And i was in the pug Otuzi got kicked from and i didn't understand what was going on. He didn't even join spec, he just got kicked from the game because i think he wasn't playing up to others expectations. It was real bad treatment lol
  11. Summer

    I Got Banned :(

    Least you could do is at least be informative lol, sm_auto_ban probably means that someone votebanned you for something you did, and it lasts half an hour if i'm not mistaken. What exactly did you do?
  12. Summer

    TF2 Masters Table

    stunning fashion
  13. viaduct 4-0 freight 3-2 to m. GG
  14. Summer

    What mouse do you use?

    i used to use the side buttons for using items in Wc3, bound them to my num4 and num1
  15. Summer

    What mouse do you use?

    emir @ 3500 dpi if the wind blows you get a 360... LOL
  16. confirmed glhf, we'll be playing our other match vs Vco at 8pm though so there might be a little delay :S
  17. Asiafortress is making a Promotional Frag Video for the TF2 Masters Grand Finals LAN! Asiafortress is making a Promotional Frag Video for the TF2 Masters Grand Finals LAN! This is YOUR chance to see your name in a Frag Video; if you've got any exciting clips of some kill sprees, or headshots, or airshots, be sure to send it in to us! This is YOUR Clips from TF2 Masters are preferred, but it's also fine if you'd like to send in clips from normal scrims or other tournament matches. If you'd like to submit a clip to be part of this sure-to-be-awesome video, send in your pre-rendered videos (preferred form) or alternatively, upload your demo with the tick. We'd really prefer if you render it yourself though; pre-rendered videos should be 120 fps, 1280 x 720. Upload to www.mediafire.com and paste the download link in this thread or give Summer the link privately, if you're shy Don't miss this chance to be in a video; we know you all secretly want to make your own but are too lazy to Asiafortress is not an official medium for the TF2 Masters Tournament; we merely provide coverage and publicity Any queries you might have regarding the tournament should not be posted in our forums as we're in no position to address any of them. Instead, you should write a ticket over at support.e-clubmalaysia.com.
  18. Summer

    General Queries

    Yea sorry i was typing that all in a rush, my bad
  19. Summer

    What mouse do you use?

    I use the Ikari Laser, because i got it for free Like the Xai it has the inbuilt profile changer which i use to alternate between high and low sens (For games like cs) My version is the older one which does not have a plastic grip, but more rubbery which has worn out and now the mouse is slippery... It's a pretty wide and heavy mouse, but i've gotten used to it. High -2000 DPI in-game 2 Low - 800 DPI
  20. Summer

    General Queries

    Yes you can create your own room. 1) Join the mumble channel 2) Right click your name, and register yourself 3) In the starhub/e-club mumble channel, around the top, there's a main channel called "General", which has many sub channels beneath it. 4) Right click it and click "add". Then proceed to type in your channel name. 5) If you want to set a password, right-click your channel name and click "Edit". You'll be able to set a password. 6) Good to go!! http://i.imgur.com/WGbTx.jpg[/img] If you have a channel password, how can your friends join? - Tell your friends to join the starhub e-club mumble channel, and select in order: Server > Access Tokens > Add Let them type in the password there, and they can join! Join a room by drag-and-drop your own name or double click the channel name.