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  • asiafortress cup 14


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About CRIT_

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    Just Installed TF2


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  1. CRIT_

    Round 6: Ayam Fruit Salad vs HYPEBEAST

    Process: 4-2 AFS http://logs.tf/2141614#76561198090677480 Sunshine: 3-2 Hypebeast http://logs.tf/2141644#76561198090677480
  2. CRIT_

    Round 6: Ayam Fruit Salad vs HYPEBEAST

    Hi this kurt, this screenshot is from karma's chat with apples:
  3. CRIT_

    Round 5: HYPEBEAST vs ABNA

    Hi this is kurt: http://logs.tf/2136016#76561198090677480 5-1 snakewater in favor of HB http://logs.tf/2136002#76561198090677480 4-2 Sunshine in favor of HB
  4. CRIT_

    AFC 14 Transfer Window 1

    Players Leaving: Player Name (with Steam ID & Steam URL): Rustic / Kei (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198237366642/)(76561198237366642) Original Team or Not Currently Participating: Hypebeast Destination Team: none Destination Team Division: none Justification or Additional Notes: By removing him as leader due to the fact of inactivity or lack of leadership in the time given due to being busy. We also want to demote on of our leaders and appoint two new leaders. Player Name (with Steam ID & Steam URL): somak https://steamcommunity.com/id/sadmonsterxx/ 76561198053469246 Original Team or Not Currently Participating: Hypebeast Destination Team: none Destination Team Division: none Justification or Additional Notes: Inactivity New leaders: kurt (me): https://steamcommunity.com/id/kurt_/ 76561198090677480 karma: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198259868405/ 76561198259868405 New Players: Player Name (with Steam ID & Steam URL): D4le https://steamcommunity.com/id/laggerung/ 76561198069741730 Original Team or Not Currently Participating: Poverty Boys Destination Team: Hypebeast Destination Team Division: 2 Justification or Additional Notes: Player Name (with Steam ID & Steam URL): Teehee https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198099307601/ 76561198099307601 Original Team or Not Currently Participating: none Destination Team: Hypebeast Destination Team Division: 2 Justification or Additional Notes:
  5. CRIT_

    PUG Group Applications

    Name: Crit_ Steam Account Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/cret_/ TF2 Hours: 1443 Pugs in Server 4: I don't know. Logs.tf: http://logs.tf/profile/76561198090677480 Banned in Asiafortress servers before: Nope Understand the pugging guidelines: Yes