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  • asiafortress cup 14


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Everything posted by lollipopcorn

  1. lollipopcorn

    All-rounded player looking for great team

    get vac-ed
  2. lollipopcorn

    LF 6s team main roamer/pocket

    i don't think you got the point. div 3 teams in afc 8 had "little to no scrim or team experience"?
  3. lollipopcorn

    LF 6s team main roamer/pocket

    hey not exactly related to your post but just wanted to clear something up - low div 3 isn't iron, iron is div 6 which asiafortress doesn't have the lowest in af is 3 but that doesn't mean 3 = iron
  4. lollipopcorn


    mr slin and marxist (medimarx) should have some good resources on youtube regarding map knowledge, positioning etc. being a medic means you should know what your team members are doing too; you don't just learn what to do as a medic
  5. lollipopcorn

    AFL HK#3

    well said 10/10
  6. lollipopcorn

    Div 1 Iron Roaming Solly Looking For A Team

    div 1 iron?????
  7. lollipopcorn

    disgusting in PUG server

    alllllrighty then
  8. lollipopcorn

    PUG Group Applications

    Name: lollipopcorn Steam Account Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050815225/ TF2 hours: 1,326 PUGs in server 4: likely 0 LogsTF Profile: http://logs.tf/profile/76561198050815225 most of my stuff is on ss Banned in Asiafortress servers before: nah Understand the pugging guidelines: yessir