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  • asiafortress cup 14


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Everything posted by ding

  1. ding

    Issues connecting to the Starhub servers?

    if its your net. then how can e-club do anything about it? If you house computers are all connecting through a router, i suggest connecting directly to the main modem and give it a go. If that works, then ur router is the prob, (obviously) but if that doesnt work, then maybe your modem settings are not right? cos i used to connect through both D-link router and a 2wire modem thingy. Its like 2 layers of shit. So i had to do stuff to both layers, and i think that MAY be ur problem.
  2. ding

    Issues connecting to the Starhub servers?

    this is extremely strange... wish we cld help. but have u tried logging in with ur acc on other coms. if not try to just bypass ur router completely
  3. ding


    or just spend 20 hours a day jumping
  4. ding


    wat the shit.
  5. ding

    Issues connecting to the Starhub servers?

    when u do such a connect you have to put password along with it too. i think connect -------- ; password ---------
  6. ding

    viewmodel off/on?

    U can use the changing crosshair program to identify weapons. I dunno if it still works tho... What was it called again? http://www.mediafire.com/xhair
  7. ding

    viewmodel off/on?

    When i was playing, i played with viewmodel off on hitscan weapons, but always felt like there is a need for the viewmodel on projectile weaps cos they estimate the shots well or smthing. probably all mental. oh but Soldier u need visual cues to see ur reloading thing if i am not wrong.
  8. WAIT. can i ask a question? IS THAT ENIGMA IN THE AFA GROUP?! oh silly me. fake enigma
  9. ding

    Awkward Moment

    wat the lols
  10. whats your issue again? are you sure your password is correct.
  11. ding

    i43 Grand Finals- Epsilon eSports vs Infused.Tt

    Why is boomeh playing? Isnt he banned for cheating? Or does ETF2L bans not affect anything
  12. ding

    Guide to customizing your TF2

    @emir: u cld always edit his grammar. hahaha nice one cobalt. So helpful for someone who keeps declaring tf2 to be dead. We know that deep down inside, you love tf2. some pics offline. idk if its just me tho
  13. can experienced/old players play in this server if we are quite lousy. i.e. me. haha. especially since i wldnt have played in months by the time i start playing again..
  14. MiA isn't that good, but they are experienced players who certainly do not need this more than others.
  15. ding

    What mouse do you use?

    @pizzawow: Are u serious?
  16. ding

    Asia's Differences

    lol. no lahh. u guys just never look hard enough. There is always people who are willing to play and take it up a notch. U just have to go to pubs and see people who take pubs seriously. Those people are normally the ones who are willing to do more. EG. EMIR - HALIIM MEDICAL STUDENT MAD COMBO.
  17. ding

    Lower level pug?

    i like the Boot Competition idea. If its what i am thinking about. Its something like you organise a competition. A 6 v 6 one, for only new pubber teams. Team that are rather experienced shld be barred. It provides a good way of encouraging some people to start playing comp. (and they know they have a good shot at winning something this time.) And it encourages new teams to be formed too! Fantastic idea ltoro
  18. remove the rainbow-y colours and the shadows. just keep the sphere and the AF and use more solid colours and less gradients
  19. ding

    I Got Banned :(

    i suggest u change ur phrasing and tone to something the admin will find more courteous.
  20. ding

    Lower level pug?

    um another problem i forsee is that those on the "lower level" side might not get proper playing experience that playing with more skilled players bring. when these skilled players help instead of flame i found it very helpful. dividing people up will just remove instances where less experienced players can learn from more skillful players.
  21. ding

    Regarding unlocks

    I guess there is quite a good point in the outright banning of "novelty" items, in terms of raising the skill level and everything. But i think it will be getting a little too stagnant if u insist whatever weapons that "change the mechanics of pushing and pulling" should be banned. Then why don't you ban heavies or snipers? They sure change the mechanics of the pushing and pulling from the standard make up. As of NOW, I am FOR the limitation of many weapons ( medlocks and equalizer and paintrain ) while in pugs, but i think competitions or events should allow for more versatility as long as no imbalance or unfair advantage is given. Correct me if I am wrong, the Banning of unlockable weapons is not to dictate how the game should be played, but just to judge which weapons are "gamebreaking". There are always other ways to insist new players to use standard weapons. For example, when a new player starts to play, the community or other individuals can always encourage (STRONGLY) a player to play vanilla first and foremost, if a new player isnt even willing to do so, do you think he will even enjoy 6v6 playing in the long run? There is a reason for a community. I do realise that this seems to be rather idealistic, so I do realise that what i am saying may not be practical in the asian scene at all. But it would be a better thing to work towards. Another thing i noticed. The problem with new teams is rarely them PLAYING AROUND WITH NEW UNLOCKS. Most new teams do respect the traditional 6v6 system, their problems lie in motivation, communication and dedication.
  22. ding

    Regarding unlocks

    what about the scottish resistance? Not OP and well i guess if someone uses it situationally, its not completely useless.
  23. ding

    Regarding unlocks

    pyro and heavy 1st gen unlocks.
  24. ding

    great flash game

    lol this game is like easy mode of puzzle games. nice ending tho.