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  • asiafortress cup 14


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Everything posted by manav1112

  1. May I please know why you think we are sketchy?
  2. The Avenger Alliance Who are we? We are a group of (so far) professional International E-Sport players. We are now expanding the E-Sports to competitive Team Fortress 2. I personally have played Team Fortress 2 for 2 years, and I am now deciding to expand the International E-Sport Team into this. Note: We are not a clan, we are a International E-Sports Team Why join us? We will provide a DEDICATED server 24/7 in TF2 with a low ping of 5 for Philippine players and around 30 ping for Singaporeans, and other asian countries are expected to be low ping We have a teamspeak server already We will have a practice routine, at any time we get enough players to play on our server We will be active, and have regular scrims to further train Our team is a worldwide one including a: Indian Alliance, German Alliance, Russian Alliance Our achievements so far: We were the finalists of a big Russian/German tournament in BF4 Tournament Link here - It is in Russian and needs to be translated Screenshot of ladder: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1.0-9/1907979_616236398462624_3496096081613980150_n.png We are registered on ESL and are registered for upcoming tournaments: http://www.esl.eu/tr/team/8317414/ Rules and Regulations: All applicants must be able to speak basic English Must come into teamspeak whenever possible Practice a reasonable amount in a week with the team Any hackers that are found will be kicked immediately What positions are open? (We will get a maximum of 2 players of each position, for the moment) Scout Soldier Pyro Demoman Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy I am not that good, can I still join? Yes you can join, just that it would be best if you can come onto teamspeak and train as often as possible (Perhaps at least 6 hours a week) How do I apply? Just copy this and paste it into your reply and fill it in Steam In Game Name: SteamID: (Can be found here: http://steamidfinder.com/) What is your best class?: Rate how good you play out of 10: How much can you play per week?: What country do you live in?: Do not be scared to apply! We accept most of our applicants. Link to my steam account profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/manav1112 My steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40853759 Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TheAvengerAlliance Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/theavengeralliance2014 TeamSpeak 3 IP:
  3. I do not know why we are doing that, but yes the head of the team decided to do that for some reason
  4. In my reply above you can see we are registered on ESL. Also we played in a Russian Tournament. Our website is not really well maintained as we do not require it at the moment. As for sponsors, our head of the clan is a brand ambassador of Gaming Grids. Also recently we have been negotiating with a person of the Nvidia team. As for our name, that is perhaps why we have put a "The" at the start of our team name, to prevent copyright issues.
  5. Sorry! I should have added that. Our achievements so far: We were the finalists of a big Russian/German tournament in BF4 Tournament Link here - It is in Russian and needs to be translated Screenshot of ladder: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1.0-9/1907979_616236398462624_3496096081613980150_n.png We are registered on ESL and are registered for upcoming tournaments: http://www.esl.eu/tr/team/8317414/ Also, we are accepting everyone as we are going to first take in people and train them to the best of their ability. Then once a tournament comes up, we will select the players that have the most competence. However, for scrims we will make it so that all players will get a chance to play (as a scrim would be training for them). As for myself, I have not played Team Fortress 2 competitively, and I will train with other teammates, and hopefully get a experienced coach(s) for the whole team.
  6. Recruiting players

  7. manav1112

    Sniper/Scout Looking for a team!

    Are you still looking for a team? If so, I have added you. We will accept you immediately. Here is our post: http://asiafortress.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3668-aa-international-e-sports-team-looking-for-all-players/
  8. manav1112

    Looking for a Team

    Are you still looking for a team? If so, I have added you. We will accept you immediately. Here is our post: http://asiafortress.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3668-aa-international-e-sports-team-looking-for-all-players/