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  • asiafortress cup 14


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Everything posted by Caldoran

  1. Caldoran

    Rhapsody learns how to sing!

    Your just mad people don't follow you、re imposed rules
  2. Caldoran

    7/10/13 Enormous Update

    "We want players on both the winning and losing sides of an engagement to feel like their skill is being rewarded. In other words, when someone beats you, it's because they played better, either through pure combat skill, or through their strategic choices in selecting their loadout." The same developer that greenlighted random crits.
  3. Caldoran

    why dont the servers count strange kills?

    Just turn off notification popups in your options. Strange weapon level ups also no longer pop up to anyone but the owner of the weapon.
  4. Caldoran

    Possibilities for an Asia-Pacific Sixes Tournament

    derp why is the internet doing this to me this is why i suck at geography Anyway, that does sound like a really crappy ping situation. I guess that's the most obvious barrier right now, even barring timezones and other issues. I'm guessing the best that could be done would be a showmatch in the style of ESEA vs ETF2L? Since it's just for publicity and promotion the ping disadvantage may not be as frustrating and reduces the need to constantly having to adjust to the different timezones by having only one or two set dates and times.
  5. Caldoran

    Possibilities for an Asia-Pacific Sixes Tournament

    Timezones are the same for Aus/SG so that's a start, NZ's like 4 hours ahead I think. Anyone know what's the best ping players Aus/SG players have gotten? It'd be great to know of a server that has reasonable ping for both teams.
  6. Caldoran

    Possibilities for an Asia-Pacific Sixes Tournament

    It's an awesome idea, definitely. An OzFortress-AsiaFortress collaboration would be cool to experience and can set the pace for more things to come. In terms of viewership interest I would personally definitely tune in to watch and drag my TF2 friends in. Would be a nice change of pace.
  7. Caldoran

    For The Sake Of Sanity

    I knew all this time you were just watching yourself again.
  8. Caldoran

    For The Sake Of Sanity

    Sure, that's valid if they insist on grinding Über 24/7. There's this crazy way to do it without Über though. As a matter of fact, mixup's Medic was dead when Enigma did the forward spawn play, so there's that. It's all pretty crazy, but I think the Americans don't rely on Über for everything as the be-all end-all.
  9. Caldoran

    For The Sake Of Sanity

    Who's fighting man, do you see anyone fighting here? I don't see anyone angry.or mad. Just having a polite, civilized discussion with no name calling, petty insults and other kinds of childish nonsense.
  10. Caldoran

    For The Sake Of Sanity

    The part where you mentioned how it's different with a Demoman and Medic still puzzles me though. Do enlighten? If in a LAN teams make such massive and improbable mistakes, is it likely that teams in PUGs will not make the same mistakes?
  11. Caldoran

    For The Sake Of Sanity

    So "any HALF DECENT player would be looking at spawns at know if theres a chance of people being inside the spawn.." no longer applies if it's a Heavy instead of a Medic and Demoman in forward spawn? Ok. When the situation is such that it's better to run X class instead of either Scout or Soldier at that particular point in time.
  12. Caldoran

    For The Sake Of Sanity

    Not picked by the community. Picked with community input. e.g. nominated by player votes, feedback, suggestions, etc. So what you are saying is that inappropriate offclassing is fine as long as the team doesn't suffer?
  13. Caldoran

    For The Sake Of Sanity

    Or teams are stacked, there are six people on the rolled side are trying to win and there is that one guy on the rolling team running for example Spy full-time and not getting punished for it. And that's another problem. Is it okay to excessively and unnecessarily offclass if everyone is doing it too? Who decides how far and to who the rules can be bent to? If just one guy is taking the game seriously and does not wish to engage in a 6v6 pub with no random crits, can the 11 other people still troll around? The more important part of my suggestions is not the "speaking up" one, because that seems improbable to me at least in the foreseeable future, but completely re-picking the admins, perhaps even with community input, seems the way to go for me. Some form of anonymous reporting of trolls and stupid offclassing seems like a logical way to go as well. EDIT: And one more possible solution would be allowing access to the sm_votekick and sm_voteban function, which allows for admins to immediately highlight a player for a kick or ban. Instead of the current votekick we are used to, this command invokes a "Yes/No" menu for the entire server, with the question being "Kick <insert player="" name="" here="">?". This removes the need for 8 people to initiate a votekick, and ensures that the people on the server agree that someone should be banned for X offense. Sure it's not perfect, but it's a start, and what is?
  14. Caldoran

    For The Sake Of Sanity

    Ok, taking the time off to chill and carefully reconsidering my stance has led to what I'm about to say. First, yes, it is in fact very strange to me that admins do not have the powers to kick/ban. It is however not the concept of admins being able to kick or ban but the current culture of admins being as it is that makes me hesitate. The past year or two where I have pugged on and off has shown me the blatant biasedness towards the more popular/respected players and quite honestly it irks me greatly. But that's not the point of the thread. So to address the thread, I am hesitant to give my "yes" vote towards the poll because I have seen literally zero action taken against the offending "trolls" who happen to be well-liked/revered in the community, and that undermines my confidence in once again allowing all admins to kick/ban at their own whim. To cite an example, let us say Person A is a new guy. He (or she) has seen some clips before on Youtube of Pyros in 6v6. Perhaps a montage or frag clip showcasing such. This leads him (or her) to believe that the Pyro is fully viable at all times, and/or does not understand the concept of generalists vs specialists in the TF2 metagame, and thus decides to run Pyro in his/her first 6v6 game. Come rollout, without saying a word about his/her intentions, and off we go to an extremely obvious Pyro to mid. I don't think I'd be presumptuous to say the following would be heard in voice/text chat: "fuking nub" "wtf pyro are you trolling" And say, after mid is lost, an admin on the new player's side decides to speak up. "Stop offclassing needlessly" Would be a generally polite one. In the mess of all the chat and mic clutter, new player fails to pay heed the demand/declaration, and after a few bouts of this the admin has enough and decides to kick the player. Or even in a twist of extreme fate and impossibility the players in the server start a votekick and kick the player who is perceived to be trolling/griefing. Few games later, after reading up on 6v6 and (miraculously) understands why the utility classes are not run 24/7, Player A returns. Person B joins the server. Person B is a highly respected and renowned player, and is known as one of the best players of X class. Person A did not get picked, and is thus in Spectator. He sees Player B go all sorts of off-classes on mid; Pyro, Spy, maybe even Engineer. Or perhaps he sees Person B go Sniper for the entire round, and nobody dares say a word. Why risk incurring the dislike of Player B when the teams are stacked anyway, and doing so would potentially cause others to look at me like I'm a "funkiller"? The admin, too, seeing as "nobody has complained", doesn't speak up. For reasons I can assume being "nobody is complaining anyway, why stir up trouble" and/or "why ruin my relationship with Person B", amongst others. Forgive me if this is not indeed the thought process, and it is something else. And this is a situation I've seen plenty. Perhaps Person A's situation not as often, but definitely seems realistic. Person B's, on the other hand, is a stereotype I've seen occur plenty of times in the PUG servers. Yes, as various others have mentioned, a solution is to carefully pick admins. So I come forth with a few proposals. Wipe the current admin list short of the essential ones, and start a careful and thorough re-picking of admins who prove themselves to have the etiquette, temper-control, fairness and neutrality fit to be an admin Begin a culture of a no-tolerance rule against unnecessary offclassing. This requires current veteran players to begin leading by example and taking a stance against people blatantly trolling/griefing/unnecessarily offclassing even if said player is a friend or a highly respected and popular player. Additionally, something like an "honesty box" could be implemented to help begin the culture. Say, a web form of email inbox where players who believe another is offclassing unnecessarily could anonymously report the server, date, time, player name and if possible the demo tick. This encourages honesty and allows for players to report such incidents without the fear of repercussion. Re-write the rules such that they are abundantly clear on the policy against unnecessary offclassing. As it stands, I'm not sure if honestly anybody can come up with better/clearer wording without any loopholes or perspective issues ("when is it deemed unnecessary?"). In the end, all I ask for is that the culture of "tolerance if respected/friend/liked" be stopped and no longer continued, as unrealistic and improbable as it seems. The reason for the very first post in this thread was exactly to question why such players would deserve an immediate kick, while it's obvious players trolling by running Pyro to midfights will get a free ticket out if they happen to be respected/liked, and I had hoped to highlight my perspective with those posts. tl;dr re-choose admins, stop the bullshit with "unnecessary offclassing is ok if nobody is complaining", and there needs to be some way to encourage players to speak up against blatant trolling and offclassing when it's done by certain, specific people who have are "high tier" or something in the community.
  15. Caldoran

    For The Sake Of Sanity

    Please refer to the end of my post which you quoted. It has been edited to address your analogy.
  16. Caldoran

    For The Sake Of Sanity

    Okay, so are you claiming that players who offclass to mid are merely trying out new strats? Is it up to the admins, then, who at their own discretion determine what is blatant trolling/griefing? Two things. First, the blatant trolls in question do NOT get warned whatsoever and can go on for rounds on end never ever joining a cookie cutter class. Why? "nobody's complaining" Second, what is the point of trying out "new metagame strats" if it's a roll? Win even faster = viable, not win 5-0 = not viable? I'm not claiming ALL admins are power-hungry money-stealing bullies. I'm saying giving them their powers back will greatly compound the double standards rampant on the topic of off-classing and "trolling". P.S. Video link was in response to russkan's claim no "HALF-DECENT" team will fall for a forward spawn strat. P.S.S. There is crime in Singapore. Policemen kill indiscriminately and are biased towards their friends and reputable members in the community. Solution: Take away their power to kill by their own discretion, criminals can only be brought to justice by community votes and/or by the judgment of the Judge (head admins). The policemen are not removed. They just have the ability to kill by their own discretion and standards removed.
  17. Caldoran

    For The Sake Of Sanity

    Keep accidentally hitting Enter as if this was a instant messenger conversation bad habit when on phone
  18. Caldoran

    For The Sake Of Sanity

    P.S. 24:48 I think Spacewhales are like pretty decent team I think I mean it wasn't Invite finals but it was LAN so that counts right
  19. Caldoran

    For The Sake Of Sanity

    Does that change the fact they're trolling/griefing? Are they not subject to the same rules because they and everyone knows damn well they could be performing better? Because that's what sounds like a double standard to me. P.S. I don't think the current array of admins short of root ones like spammah and nata could ban. Seems illogical to disallow kicking by the admin's own discretions but allowing banning. I'm not sure if you misinterpreted my post. I was illustrating how the votekick system is already clearly flawed and letting admins directly bypass that would add to the problem as I see it.
  20. Caldoran

    For The Sake Of Sanity

    Except I didn't do it during the actual match, most people were having fun/loosening up and I stopped after consulting nata on it. Can you honestly say the more popular people do not actually get away with doing things like running Pyro/Spy to mid, knowing full well they're trolling, and getting zero repercussions by pure virtue of being popular/respected while the less popular/respected ones immediately get highlighted for kick/bans? Shall I start recording some demos of when players start outright trolling and proceed to have nobody say anything because "it's fine because nobody complains"? Oh, and give me a bit while I find for some ESEA Invite highlights of forward spawn strats. Won't be too long.
  21. Caldoran

    For The Sake Of Sanity

    because votekick, voteban, votemute and votegag achieve much of the same functions without being subject to the whims and fancies of the admins as if votekicks weren't already subject to biasedness and favouritism of players entirely off-hand and in reference to absolutely nobody in particular; the forward spawn strat is an entirely valid one; they just did it at the wrong time because of their misjudgment it's at the very least more valid than say running pyro to mid or spy to mid but I can't remember the last time particularly liked/respected/adored/worshipped players evidently trolling got kicked/banned or votekicked/votebanned for full time pyro/running pyro to mid in reference to nobody in particular of course yet less popular and whatever players seem to get the blunt end of the stick because if you have nobody to back you up you cant troll seems to be the rule of thumb "as long as nobody complains it's fine" i don't think i'd want to complain about my friend or a particularly revered/respected/adored/worshipped/whatever person because of the potential repercussions of negative rep and whatnot and allowing admins to kick/ban/mute/lynch at their whims and fancy kinda just a little bit compounds the problem or makes it even clearer really
  22. Caldoran

    For The Sake Of Sanity

    what if they made a mistake because they're inexperienced instead of saying "i think we're going to intentionally be useless right now while appearing to want to try a forward spawn strat"
  23. Caldoran

    For The Sake Of Sanity

    so which rule did they break