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  • asiafortress cup 14


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Everything posted by dEs^_^

  1. hey is it possible on friday slightly later? SGT 11pm Korean time 12AM
  2. dEs^_^

    WMO 1.1 / IME 3.0

    depends on preference. but most of top gamers are using the 1.1
  3. dEs^_^

    WMO 1.1 / IME 3.0

    it would be better u get from syck
  4. dEs^_^

    WMO 1.1 / IME 3.0

    offer....... but no packaging no warranty.
  5. dEs^_^

    WMO 1.1 / IME 3.0

    Get the Zowie imo1.1 and ime 3.0 (: u keen on ime 3.0? i got spare
  6. There wont be any enforcing on the 5 seconds rules, as we are playing group stages and there will be a lot of matches , we do not have enough admins. It is also to prevent any teams from disputing over this issue. Maybe we will enforce it in the next competition.
  7. // Official AFL League Config //Server Logging log "on" sv_log_onefile "1" //Multiplayer Settings mp_allowspectators "1" mp_team_unbalance_limit "0" mp_autoteambalance "0" mp_autocrosshair "0" mp_chattime "10" mp_falldamage "1" mp_footsteps "1" mp_forcecamera "1" mp_forcerespawn "1" mp_fraglimit "0" mp_timelimit "30" mp_winlimit "5" mp_bonusroundtime "0" mp_showrespawntimes "1" mp_teams_unbalance_limit "0" mp_time_between_capscoring "0" mp_waitingforplayers_restart "0" mp_stalemate_enable "0" mp_respawnwavetime "10.0" mp_disable_respawn_times "0" mp_forcecamera "1" mp_friendlyfire "0" mp_enableroundwaittime "1" mp_weaponstay "0" mp_idledealmethod "0" mp_idlemaxtime "0" //Server settings sv_alltalk "0" sv_cheats "0" sv_voiceenable "1" sv_voicecodec vaudio_speex sv_pausable "1" sv_minrate "20000" sv_maxrate "30000" sv_minupdaterate "40" sv_maxupdaterate "66" sv_mincmdrate "40" sv_maxcmdrate "66" sv_client_min_interp_ratio "1" sv_client_max_interp_ratio "1" sv_client_cmdrate_difference "30" sv_allow_wait_command "1" sv_timeout "60" sv_pure "2" sv_pure_kick_clients "1" sv_allow_color_correction "0" sv_allow_wait_command "1" sv_allowdownload "1" sv_allowupload "0" //Tournament Mode mp_tournament "1" mp_tournament_stopwatch "0" mp_tournament_allow_non_admin_restart "0" tf_tournament_classlimit_demoman "1" tf_tournament_classlimit_engineer "2" tf_tournament_classlimit_heavy "2" tf_tournament_classlimit_medic "1" tf_tournament_classlimit_pyro "2" tf_tournament_classlimit_scout "2" tf_tournament_classlimit_sniper "2" tf_tournament_classlimit_soldier "2" tf_tournament_classlimit_spy "2" tf_tournament_hide_domination_icons "-1" tf_weapon_criticals "0" tf_damage_disablespread "1" tf_clamp_airducks "1" tf_teamtalk "1" tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads "1" //TV Setting tv_chattimelimit "5" tv_delay "60" tv_delaymapchange "1" tv_transmitall "1" tv_relayvoice "1" tv_allow_camera_man "0" mp_tournament_restart say AFL (www.asiafortress.com) - Official League Config loaded (Version Date: 20.04.10) - Good Luck & Have Fun! say ------ say *NOTICE: You are required to record POV-demos and provide screenshots of the results of each map. Start your demorecordings now.
  8. dEs^_^

    AFL2 Map Picking

    i wondered why odd - 5 maps, even - 4 maps elaborate reason... lol.
  9. dEs^_^

    AsiaFortress 2 Tournament Stuff

    I would suggest the same as spammah the nigga as usual, but if theres an ovewhelming no. of teams of sufficient no. of teams, round robin 2 groups or rather divisions would be good.