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  • asiafortress cup 14


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Everything posted by Madman

  1. Madman

    Time for me to step away from AFL for a while

  2. Madman

    Asian UGC League?

    With asia alone there will most likely not enough players to fill 16 teams, and if we were to have an ausasian league then it will most likely be held on australian servers (high ping, its been a 6v6 annoyance since forever and it will be an issue with 9v9). On a side note you may or may not be aware that there are already at least 3-4 HL teams that have been established late 2011 and the folks at SVF already have this for those that are not yet in a team: http://sandvichfort.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=25 There is a match this friday but its during the AFL Finals Day 1, so take note if you're participating in that. I believe they are finalizing details on a 9v9 permanent league with modified UGC rules. If you wish to see a HL happen around here I suggest you reach out to as many friends as possible in signing up for the existing pugs, right now players (pubbers or otherwise) commitments are the most important. With enough numbers the 9v9 pugs can happen more frequently- servers with eclub/sh/agentcy/gamersun have been settled and talk of prizes are already underway. If we have this foundation set-up, further integration as an official UGC Oceania Division will be simple enough. While you don't have to stress your shit with the heavy responsibilities of administrating the league, you need to have enough responsibility to drag your friends in and stay committed. tl;dr lets get our shit straight in asia first with low ping, since its already been happening for a few weeks now... invite friends
  3. bumping this thread for the blind folks at http://league.asiafortress.com/showthread.php?tid=1974&page=2 Reso: 1920x1080 -windowed -noborder -dxlevel 80 | 60 hz (I think) Mouse: SS Kinzu + SS QcK Extra Small Cloth Pad Sens: 3200 DPI 500 Hz, Windows 6/11 (x1 multiplier), in-game 1. (slightly more than 3inches/360) Fix: Does Windows 7 need a mousefix? I have none. theres no accel as far as I can feel KB: Rosewill 9000 (Cherry MX Blues) Xhair: Tiny half transparent dot lol, only use it for ambassador/pistol.
  4. Madman

    European AFL coverage :>

    Most recently, TF2TV covered a small cup we had called the Merc's Cup 2. Comedian was the main man so you could ask him if the live streams are archived somewhere. I used to have the link but I lost track of it when they merged into today's vanillatf2. As for previous seasons I believe gamestah did it... Can one of the other admins confirm? We're almost at the playoffs for AFLV so there's going to be casted games announced every now and then on our main page (the news forum). Appreciate the effort!
  5. Madman

    New update blows

    We're on Day 1 of the update and already the christmas update looks like a steaming pile of unimaginative griefer friendly rubbish steamworkshop-dump. can you imagine almost killing an engineer (who just shot through you to deduct your medic's ubercharge) only to have him teleport away? Or a pyro new flamethrower causing his new axe to force-crit a heavy and the MEDIC DIES FROM THE CRIT? [align=center]http://www.teamfortress.com/australianchristmas2011/ [/align]
  6. Madman

    New update blows

    you're alive?
  7. Madman

    mechanical keyboards

    yeah sia ding, invest in something that you'd be using for 5 years or so. And I don't think steelseries boards are that good.
  8. Madman

    New update blows

    Lightning gun from quake or lightning gun from unreal haha.. Day 2 of the update... quick! pray for gundams and railguns!
  9. Madman

    mechanical keyboards

    I'm going to buy a ducky sooner or later... cherry blues for me. They're only available at bell sim lim sq as far as I know.
  10. Madman

    [Week 3 Round 6] Ikea Stickies vs. cRs

    Now this is classic example of asian idiocy. When things are open to discussion and an event is in it's planning stage, issues are not brought up; when shit happens people say things that cannot be resolved anyway. In any case this is a match thread and its the wrong place for that, shall we do something constructive and settle the time? On a side note its good that the league caters to pri/sec/jc because after that age I think people should be old enough to manage their own schedules around the league, knowing that when you sign up for a tournament you have to be committed to playing during a certain period.
  11. Madman

    Need a little helpz

  12. yeah I used to main pyro too and I can tell you th- NAH JUST KIDDING.
  13. Madman

    AFL5 Queries

    Am I the only one who thinks that a new division will hurt the overall skill level in the long run? Besides we hardly have enough teams to make a proper division let alone two. The targeted five teams per division means there will be more winners than losers... I... don't think that is right... Why don't we make it 2 divs. Slightly more of a slugfest but we did roll with even one division before, and it was still a fun learning experience for the lower skilled teams then.
  14. Madman

    A Suggestion

    Not sure if trolling or
  15. Madman

    What happened to the pickup servers?

    I don't like to feed trolls but you're a decent guy cherry so I'll go out on a limb: ding is right, for every idiot shitting in their own backyard there is another cleaning up. I dare say everyone in this forum who remembers when it first started in AFL2 has been on BOTH sides of the construct/destruct fence in one way or the other. At least I have. Its all in the past. Don't bring old shit up to mar these honest efforts people are putting in. This is why we can't have nice things. Don't be a gigantic cocknugget, lurk if you can't resist.
  16. Madman

    AFA pugs

    It's possible with div. It's rumoured he has dropped uber on rollout before, because of fall damage. Confirm/deny?
  17. Madman

    AFA pugs

    The problem with the whole thing is mentality. What you see as the more experienced players "rushing off and killing everything" might simply be them doing their job as normal. Of course, I'm aware of some people intentionally going to AFA pugs to rape with zero intention to teach. But other than those idiots, you cant expect teaching to be done on the spot during a game, it doesnt work that way. Neither should you expect players to "go easy" on you guys simply because you're new. I can't really comment on this cuz I haven't actually been there. Whatever the case, dying or getting 5-0ed usually teaches you more than living and capping. To me it doesn't mean anything if a pug team gets 4-3. When a scrim team gets 4-3 thats good of course because you know your core 6 is growing. Secondly, if you don't know how to do something, the spirit should be to TRY yourself. That is really the only way to truly learn- experimenting and observing. That is what the game is about right? That is how one gets better in every other game or sport? Practice with a conscious mind aimed at improvement. Only when you hit a real roadblock you should ask mentors for their advice, which should be modified to fit your own playstyle even. If you keep swallowing whatever others tell you, you'd only do it because everyone else is doing as opposed to doing it because you know the reasons behind it. You're gimping your own gamesense. Thirdly, there is a difference, as ding mentioned, between retarded 24/7 offclassing (that is to play util classes) and playing a class that isn't your main. For starters I would highly recommend keeping your head open to every class. Even if you are "main solly" you shouldnt be afraid of playing scout or medic or demo. One way or the other knowledge of the other competitve classes will help you play your main. No doubt you might be worse at it and that might keep the team back but there is no choice since like you said there are already two soldiers. If you make it clear that you are new to X and Y class and you're only playing it cuz nobody else would then nobody should give you shit for sucking. If they still tell you you're bad when its clear you don't play that class then I don't think you should be hanging out with such douchebags. Don't insist on scouting only or sollying only it just makes you look quite retarded. After all its just a pug. I would highly advise against utilities until you've gotten a decent grasp of your scout/solly. Medic and demo shouldnt even think about it. Finally, if you encounter douchebags, try to sort it out in a civil manner (or not, whatever). The point is, yelling at admins or qqing on the forums should not be an option. Only if matters get out of hand should you contact an admin nicely. At the end of the day, the nature of competitive games itself weeds out the weakest and only caters to the strongest. What you learn at AFA shouldn't be strategies or how to aim, AFA should teach you the attitudes you need to learn them yourself. Tactics will change and what is viable today may be completely retarded in the next update which adds my dick as an unlock or maybe when valve makes another hole in a random wall in gran; tactics will change but the desire to adapt and stay on top won't. tl;dr lol stop qq on forums noob
  18. Madman

    AFA pugs

  19. Madman


  20. Madman

    Am bored at work, will answer questions!

    I think this pretty much nails it. So what you're saying is, if I do choose/have to aggro up, I should jolly well be instantly running the hell back in case of a leak because if anyone dies to the enemy aggressor, its pretty much solely my fault for not being there to begin with... It's an ideal playstyle to let the heavies take the lead but there are situations where the scouts can really shine by taking the initiative. Still, I agree that scouts aren't cut for offense and it's really silly to be +fwd-ing ALL the time tho. As for creating plays, I've tried to cut down on doing that as a scout by polishing up my sniper. The spy is amazing and all, but it''s extremely limited by speed (and range). In games against anyone except the most clumsy and slow teams (like pugs), you can't really get into the ideal position before they push up and the window of opportunity is lost. Except maybe for KOTH and lastcaps. Your scout partner also suffers the flank alone. An ambassador negates much of the speed limit by giving you essentially unlimited range in the form of mini-crit headshots that do not have damage falloff but its since been disallowed. Other pockets do reply to my initial question too, if you depend on scouts or you take it upon yourself and only yourself to fix leaks (disregard whose fault it is that the leak actually happened).
  21. Madman

    Am bored at work, will answer questions!

    Didn't take this thread seriously at the start but I gotta say its got some pretty good archival quality shit. So my question is, do you think the protection of a medic (in particular against jumpers and scouts) is solely a pockets duty? Is the soldier class capable of such a responsibility? A bit of context here, my playstyle with the scout usually gets me the opportunity to line-up a couple of multikill cleanups toward the end of a fight- say get an important class like medic or demo then kill a soldier and scout with the remaining ammo in my scatter. Yet while these team wipes are both impressive and fun, my medic sometimes dies during the extended time in which I am busy leaking and otherwise not watching the flank or tracking the enemy scouts as well as I should have. In the end despite having the man advantage my team is unable to make any significant push because we have no medic. Assuming I did call that I am going to play aggressively, is it the pockets fault that our medic goes down to jumpers and scouts? Or should I as a scout have been there instead of playing aggro? Because I do find that aggressors, in particular jumping soldiers with buffs go down much smoother and quicker when I drop whatever I'm killing to run back and give that extra meatshot in the back. That way my sollies just pop a rocket and the threat is dealt with. (at the expense of letting my original target get away). TL;DR Do you as a pocket depend/expect on scouts to help you with keeping shit off your medic, and do you think such a dependency is a good thing or a bad thing?
  22. Madman

    TF2 Masters GRAND FINALS

    The users/groups page are locked out, at least for me even when I had admin.