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  • asiafortress cup 14


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Everything posted by Madman

  1. Madman

    Commft Moments of Glory.

    holy shit double airshot
  2. Madman

    Was anyone there tonight?

    Saw it live, with bruises to prove :<
  3. Madman

    Morals of the great oster

    I dont see what is so wrong about abandoning the blind... SEE GEDDIT??!?!? LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!11!one
  4. We should be fine. 09 30 pm GMT +8. Asiafortress server fine?
  5. Madman

    Guide to anti trolling

    My Personal Hero: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBOV8WzH-oY and Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fozE1xdsorY also, HDW got picture montage too... see our handsome pics
  6. Madman

    USA killing random iraqis

    Ever since 9/11? I was like 5 or something when I looked out of my window at the world and I already went "world, I am disappoint" Apathy kills progress you say; but too many cooks will spoil the broth. Let the people with political minds do political things, let the people with warm hearts do warm things. I will sit by my corner representing reality and politely applaud on cue. I guess most people grow up and continue believing in even greater nonsense, I swim against the tide because I like to annoy. Then I played TF2, met gay4us on #5 and it was like SHIT YEAH! True Story.
  7. Madman

    Looking for a team

    Post more about yourself, experience, in-game nic, country (for ping matters) and shits like that.
  8. Madman

    Who will win AFL2?

    Wild guesses. champs: slp or chaineese best med: not from the local scene most epic play: someone from HDW
  9. Madman


    Thats the way. Manly cures.
  10. Madman

    Sniping on GP

    i do that all the time dood 2ez
  11. Madman


    I support HFFAC
  12. Madman

    Hey Spammah!

    Fu spammah its the flash that makes the pic at night look like day...
  13. Madman

    Hey Spammah!

    Its these buncha msian kids who rage/swear/ragequit/threaten to report/QQ a whole lot everytime they match with flare and/or the rest of us MW2ers because apparently we "hack". They run their own MW2 clan called color connection aka COCO; aka our fan club cos they hound us like paparazzi. Totally convinced we hack cos NOBODY CAN POSSIBLY AIM THAT FAST/ACCURATE which btw is like normal to average aiming only- most TF2ers could trounce them. Did I mention they are really hardcore about the game but still bad?
  14. Madman

    Singapore pickup games

    connect;password tf2pickup ^^ type that whole string... Your best bet is to add to your favourites in the server browser so you can frequently check if people are on. Note that the starhub servers are more of a scrim server. Our pugs happen on either pickup for idiots or Asiafortress 1000FPS thingy... both should be found in server browser easily. PWs are 'idiot' and 'asia' respectively.
  15. Madman

    Hey Spammah!

    So far there is already COCO, TEAM FALRE and ???
  16. Madman

    Hey Spammah!

    take note of 'ANOTHER'
  17. Madman

    Hey Spammah!

    cleric des mut nnnta flare xeno spiderpig LALJ cake hanny, medic. And we all look like shit cos of the huge flash
  18. Madman

    Hey Spammah!

  19. Madman

    Singapore pickup games

    6pm almost always has pugs
  20. Madman

    What gets you going...

    So in this thread we talk about what in TF2 really makes you feel awesome. It can be anything; nothing necessarily 1337 or high-level play- I mean sure you could say triple airshots or medic headshots make you jizz and shit but COME ON dont be so boring. Think of something unique and true to yourself; maybe its the way the scout cries when brutalized by an equalizer, or maybe its the way you glide off double sticky jumps... Try to write at least a nice paragraph, now lets get creative. I'll start. For me, all the meatshots and all the mid-air ambassador headshots on medics in a scrim simply cant compare to the sweet sizzle of the sapper on some suckers building in pubs. Oh the glorious buzzing in the back of your headsets followed by the inevitable destruction of the defenseless dispenser! You could almost hear the enemy engineer, by now bleeding from a brutal backstab/headshot, moan in anguish from beyond the grave. Having a stupid amount of pubspy hours, I almost never fail at taking any sentry nest down, up to a maximum of 3 engineers around. (4 SGs is just impossible to sap out :X). I still remember the first time I ever took out more than one sentry at once- the satisfaction and rush is something that fades faster than good intentions and since then an insatiable desire to push myself to sap sap sap began gnawing at my insides. I've had my share of glorious moments like the time I sapped a teleport, stood on it with a heavy disguise waiting for the inevitable repair at the exit end, and ended up telefragging not just the engineer but three other fools- including another engie. Or maybe that other time when some tool ragequitted just so I couldnt get my sap points... Just dont fk with my sapped shit and steal points. Ever. TL;DR Post a wall of text to stroke your epeen. Make sure its a good read.