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  • asiafortress cup 14


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Everything posted by FIR

  1. FIR

    Time for a break

  2. FIR

    Time for a break

    That is so not nice. Priss, really, the first thing you need to understand is that there are different types of people. In short, while some may mock and troll around with you, there are also some who would love to hear what you have to say. Maybe those higher end teams would have had enough experience to actually tell you off (I'm just saying, I didnt point fingers because I dont know whho called you "arrogant"), but really, what you have to say may prove valuable for a lot of other players. Really, when people tell you that you suck in this or that, they either were joking or just being unappreciative and uncooperative trolls. Frankly speaking, while others may call you a bad player, you must realise you're in that area where majority of the people you play with think they're all better than one another (flame shields up). Once again, I'm not pointing fingers, I'm only stating a fact. Because believe me, from personal experience, people everywhere believe I have no skill in pugs, that I dont deserve to be picked for a pug, that I have bad soldier skills, I suck at medic, I do too much crap, this and that bullshit. Hell some of them has the guts to compare me with my own brother, telling me he's 3 times the player I am, and things like that. I know how it feels. But just ignore them and believe in yourself, because IMO you're a damn good player already. And there will be places you will be accepted, you're just not looking in the right places. Cheer up. The world needs more understanding and dedicated people like you.
  3. Hmm. This might be the opportunity my team is looking for. If every saturday at 8pm we have a friendly 2-map long scrim is okay with you, I'd like to sign up for your weekly scrims =) It's a nice chance to improve our gameplay+teamwork.
  4. FIR

    Cute threadz

    tried but then it just showed up as a bunch of worthless crap
  5. FIR


    But Gamon couldnt satisfy his lust...
  6. FIR

    Cute threadz

    Oh shit i forgot how to literally paste a video from youtube omgwtfIFAIL
  7. ROFL why flame Sapino? just cause he quit for 'further studies' ah? AND BRIGHT RE-READ THE THREAD BEFORE YOU CALL ME NOOB Sorry, just feeling high right now.
  8. lolwut who edited my post omg lol my bro's getting annoyed at FTN LOL first they pulled out, then something happened and they were like "let's have another go at it" and frankly i dont think my bro would like getting played about like an expendable toy. and bright, i already did. and unlike you, i passed the first test, which proved i'm a bigger moron than you are HAHAH
  9. FIR


    Bright, nais mona lisa there. Mona Lisa - eyelashes - hair = turn on? worst equation ever LOLOLOLOLOL
  10. Div. In the case that FTN will field my brother for AFL2, why don't you join rhythm instead? Right now my brother is now wondering if FTN really needs him, because they recruited you. GO TO FTN, I WANT MY BROTHER edited for readbility.
  11. FIR


    all this depends on our view of what is "thick veiny appendages"... and mut, SPLEEEEEEEEEN LOL
  12. FIR

    Clan Contacts

    Clan name: Arrythmia Clan tag: rhythm. Leaders: rhythm. FIR rhythm. wolf rhythm. FIR Jr. Steam link: Team Arrythmia If that doesn't work, go find me on my facebook since I'm forever on it. Just drop an add and state your ingame nick. FIR LOL I think I overdid this XD
  13. Sasquatch reveals intelligence HAHA
  14. FIR


    HOLY SHIT CONGGY... Must...resist...the pulling of the hand...towards...the appendage...
  15. FIR

    Meatshot Vol. 101

    errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... i know i'm being a 'tard now, but who the hell is THAT and WHY is he being shot at in the sky? forgive my apparent lack of internet knowledge, i aint the type who goes youtubing/wiki-ing/whatever
  16. FIR

    AFL2 Map Picking

    PM spammah la. Read through the forums, you'd find a small chunk somewhere that reads "PM/Steam msg me regarding admin issues" or something to that effect.
  17. I dont get what you're trying to say ROFL
  18. FIR

    Meatshot Vol. 101

    HAHAH who's the dude in the sky?
  19. rofl bright dont get any funny ideas
  20. FIR

    Registration thread

    Team Arrythmia (rhy.) Country: Singapore/Brunei/Malaysia/India Team Contact: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/arrythmia Team Leaders: rhy. FIR: STEAM_0:0:17916374 rhy. wolf: STEAM_0:1:19103678 Players (inclusive of team tag) rhy. FIR: STEAM_0:0:17916374 rhy. wolf: STEAM_0:1:19103678 rhy. FIR Jr.: STEAM_0:1:23949210 rhy. fishy: STEAM_0:1:20507745 rhy. Nameless: STEAM_0:0:8151884 rhy. Silverlight: STEAM_0:0:20318776 rhy. of the night: STEAM_0:1:1659525 rhy. shit: STEAM_0:1:28008359 rhy. kungfu_Ark: STEAM_0:0:2359521 rhy. cee: STEAM_0:1:9258136 rhy. Wendy: STEAM_0:1:19111970
  21. FIR


    Hello my name is Fir. I'd like to be like mario so i can save puny princesses and have their virginity taken away by Barney the Dinosaur