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  • asiafortress cup 14


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Everything posted by deliaren

  1. deliaren

    offering medic lessons

    div has balls of steel
  2. deliaren

    offering medic lessons

    his sperm count is very high since he has balls of steel it can never contract
  3. deliaren

    offering medic lessons

    works for the voice too
  4. deliaren

    Toughluck's view on #

    alias "Toughluck1" "bind kp_pgdn Toughluck2; say T?µgh|u©?1991: I'm too awesome to drop" alias "Toughluck2" "bind kp_pgdn Toughluck1; say liquefaction killed T?µgh|u©?1991 with tf_projectile_pipe_remote" bind "KP_PGDN" "Toughluck1" POST YOUR AWESOME TOUGHLUCK BINDS BELOW!!!!
  5. deliaren

    offering medic lessons

    if medics can dodge as good as this guys they wouldn't drop uber as much
  6. deliaren

    Team Fortress 2 Masters LAN FInals

    congrats to cata nfr and masterful for winning great games, wp BIGFOOT FOR MVP
  7. deliaren

    12 hours

    lets try and not get raped on the first round besides... im playing medic. what could absolutely go wrong. (watch me drop uber)
  8. deliaren

    Game spiking?

    btw the command is fps_max i put fps cap at 2x refresh rate +1 which is 121 for me
  9. deliaren

    Team Fortress 2 Masters LAN FInals

    no custom cfg?? hud??
  10. deliaren

    Guide to customizing your TF2

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26020590/guide%20to%20customize.jpg[/img] Since many of you are new to the scene and because emir has stolen my thunder I will create this guide which will talk about customizing your TF2 for competitive gameplay. This guide will talk about changing FOV, custom CFG and custom HUD's and many more. As you know most competitive players run on a different FoV, or Field of Vision, or run with a custom CFG and/or HUD's, but most newbies do not know how to do this, and so here is a guide to explain it. Part 1: Field of Vision and Viewmodel a. What is Field of Vision or FoV? Field of Vision is literally what it says, the size of the angle that you can see the world in. Currently the FoV is maxed out at 90, which should be the optimal. b. Why change your FoV? TF2 requires you to know your opponent to kill. Personally, knowing where your opponent is a huge advantage. Remember, if you don't know where your opponent is you can't kill them. [align=center]https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Public/2011-08-29_00005.jpg?w=6a90a675[/img] fov_desired 70[/align] [align=center]https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Public/2011-08-29_00006.jpg?w=77e50fe3[/img] fov_desired 90[/align] c. How to change your FoV? FoV can be changed in the console by using this command: "fov_desired 90" (capped) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26020590/2011-08-29_000072.jpg[/img] d. What is Viewmodel? Viewmodel is the perspective of your player model via your view of the world. e. Why increase your Viewmodel? The larger the angle, the further away the viewmodel looks, and by increasing the viewmodel, you can see more things around the bottom right of your screen (which normally is covered by the viewmodel). Normally people have the angle of their FoV and viewmodel to be the same, but some people play at a higher viewmodel or don't even use it. [align=center]https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Public/2011-08-29_00002.jpg?w=367402c4[/img] viewmodel_fov 70[/align] [align=center]https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Public/2011-08-29_00003.jpg?w=2a08b88d[/img] viewmodel_fov 90[/align] f. How to change your Viewmodel This can be changed in the console by: "viewmodel_fov 90" (optimal, change it to anything else if you like) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26020590/2011-08-29_000042.jpg[/img] or you could turn off with this command: "r_drawviewmodel 0" [align=center]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26020590/2011-08-29_00015.jpg[/img] r_drawviewmodel 1[/align] [align=center]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26020590/2011-08-29_00014.jpg[/img] r_drawviewmodel 1[/align] Remember both these changes are not permanent and could easily be switched back, so you could experiment with a few options. Part 2: Custom CFG a. What is Custom CFG? Custom CFG is an configuration file that normally can configure other options that are normally cannot be found through the in-game options tab. [align=center]https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Public/2011-08-29_00008.jpg?w=6f124dc3[/img] My Custom CFG[/align] b. Why do you need a Custom CFG? Having a custom CFG allows you to tone down some of the visual clutters and effects from TF2. As you know, playing TF2 creates a toll on your graphic card, and if your graphic card is not up to the notch you could experience frame lag (any FPS below 30). You may not be able to perform as well with frame lag then without it. A custom CFG makes it easier for you to see more of the enemy and less of the unnecessary clutters. (NOTE: MOST CUSTOM CFG WILL MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE PLAYING ON MARIO 64) c. Where do you find custom CFG's? You can find them here: Chris' FPS Configs m0rehud or create a custom one of your own easily at: TF2mate config generator d. How do I install them? For m0re configs: extract the autoexec.cfg to your \Steam\steamapps\username\team fortress 2\tf\cfg For chris' configs: copy and paste everything from the website to the notepad and then save it as autoexec.cfg inside your \Steam\steamapps\username\team fortress 2\tf\cfg folder. To save it as a .cfg in the drop down box there should be Save As Type, change it to All files, then behind the autoexec put a .cfg. [align=center] Put in here[/align] and normally you need to set launch options which you can right click your Team Fortress 2 > Properties > Set Launch Options and put after that put in this "-dxlevel [dxlevel version] -w [width of your resolution] -h [height of your resolution] -full/window -console -heapsize [half of your current ram] -novid -freq [monitor frequency] -nojoy -noipx -noforcemparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -high" example "-dxlevel 81 -w 1920 -h 1080 -full -console -heapsize 2048000 -novid -freq 120 -nojoy -noipx -noforcemparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -high" [align=center]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26020590/setlaunchoptions.jpg[/img] Put in here[/align] Part 3: HUD a. What is a HUD? A HUD is an Heads Up Display or basically the thing that surrounds your screen and show you your health, ammo, and other things. [align=center]https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Public/2011-08-29_000111.jpg?w=5f9d8f83[/img] PVHUD in action[/align] b. Why do I need a custom HUDs A custom HUD is purely for the cosmetics, but it improves your gamesense performance. By having a clearer HUD you will cut the few seconds your looking at the health counter etc. and spend more time fragging and watching your surroundings. c. Where do I find custom HUDs? You can find them here: m0rehud FlameHUD PVHUD RevanXP HUD Personally I prefer PVHUD because of it's simplicity, but feel free to choose. d. How to install them? PVHUD: Download the installer, put in \Steam\steamapps\username\team fortress 2\tf and run. m0reHUD and most of the other HUD's: extract folders to \Steam\steamapps\username\team fortress 2\tf This concludes my basic guide, remember that just by doing this doesn't make you pro or any kind of shit. Hardwork and dedication is still necessary in becoming a good player and remember this is just a guide to customize your TF2. Customize your game to your needs. ADVANCED SECTION ADV.1: Hitscan weapon smoke credits to povohat Removes smoke from hitscan weapon when firing upon a surface. Download Here (right click -> save file as) Video Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXYqGSSKqjQ place it in the tf/scripts folder. ADV.2: Null-cancelling movement script credits to povohat
  11. deliaren

    Asiafortress Academy General Queries

    it will also be much easier if you link your forum profile to your steam profile
  12. hey man were gonna have to forfeit, ripple is away and asta computer broke down sorry
  13. deliaren

    Issues connecting to the Starhub servers?

    you have firewall on or maybe didn't port forward?
  14. alright we give you guys a chance to choose, but bear in mind some teams are not like us. you guys need to respond within the timelimit.... fridays, saturday, sunday were fine
  15. deliaren

    viewmodel off/on?

    i play with my viewmodel on, because i can't see which weapon im firing
  16. deliaren

    Coming Soon: Asiafortress Academy!

    try deleting your favourites and readding
  17. pAe chooses cp_obscure_final
  18. deliaren

    Guide to customizing your TF2

    yup. i prefer original crosshairs + make it look like neon green hehe.