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  • asiafortress cup 14


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About creep4500

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  1. creep4500

    AFC7: Ticks

    Demo Name :1_5_MukEunJi_creep_jj_snakewater Tick : 64500 Desc : 2combo air shot Demo Name :1_3_MukEunJi_creep_TKFF_blands Tick : 25500, 40500, 82000 Desc : all 1 combo airshot
  2. sw mej win blands ks win viaduct ks win gg wp
  3. we can sun and i think HK Trilogy is better can play at trilogy?
  4. 4:3 gully 3:2 process http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/615027949718394436/BCA78CCFE7B223D1D12BF073D760F80EE6372BD3/ gg wp
  5. 3:1 gra 6:6 metalwork http://steamcommunity.com/id/willtowin/screenshots/ gg wp
  6. 어맛! 에임떨려: heyy 어맛! 에임떨려: can we play afl in this saturday? 어맛! 에임떨려: i think sudachi is good for us namida: u can host sadachi? 어맛! 에임떨려: i can book 어맛! 에임떨려: is ok for you? 어맛! 에임떨려: sudachi? 어맛! 에임떨려: no loss? namida: yeah namida: ok namida: 22:00? 어맛! 에임떨려: ok 어맛! 에임떨려: gmt +8? 어맛! 에임떨려: 9? namida: 9 어맛! 에임떨려: ok namida: ur time 어맛! 에임떨려: ty confirmed
  7. unlisted: 10pm would be better unlisted: let me check CRP: ok unlisted: 10pm sun? CRP: ok 10pm gmt + 8 glhf
  8. hello can we play at this weekend 8~10 gmt + 8?
  9. gra 5:0 process 5:0 ggwp http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/612773448393894219/798846828303142311D405847A59E65C5A79B956/
  10. gully 5:2 hu(in game crash) -> toto hsk(father crit) -> 16 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=166611320 snakewater 5:0 http://steamcommunity.com/id/willtowin/screenshots/#scrollTop=0 ggwp