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    AsiaFortress Cup 19: Division allocation and scheduling changes


    AsiaFortress Cup 19

    [Rules] [Unlocks] [Division Administrators] [Key Dates and Map Pool]

    Hey everyone, due to some administrative errors on our end during seeding, team no one down was incorrectly placed in Division 1. This decision has since been altered, with the team being placed in Division 2 instead. However, because of this, there are some scheduling changes that have to be made to accommodate the moving.

    Division 1

    Division 1 will now be played in an 8-week round robin format, with each of the five teams facing each other twice. The maps for the final 8th week will be decided through a pick-ban format. This change primarily affects Division 1, and the Key Dates and Map Pool have been updated to reflect this.

    We apologise if this has caused any unneeded confusion or inconvenience and seek the understanding of all players involved.

    Edited by fwishyy

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