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[AFC9] GRAND FINALS: Beyond Velocity vs Backcappers

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Home Team: Beyond Velocity
Away Team: Backcappers

Map Pool:

  • cp_granary_pro_b10 (Difference of 5 or 30 Mins)
  • cp_process_final (Difference of 5 or 30 Mins)
  • cp_logjam_b20 (Difference of 5 or 30 Mins)
  • cp_sunshine_rc7 (Difference of 5 or 30 Mins)
  • cp_gullywash_final1 (Difference of 5 or 30 Mins)

Home Team bans first, Away Team bans next until only 3 maps remain.


  • P-REC is required for all players in the server.
  • Please keep your demos until the end of the tournament.
  • Scoreboard screenshots MUST be posted in the thread when reporting scores.
  • Any mercenaries used in the round must be reported and stated in the thread.

To be scheduled by: Friday 14th August 2015.
To be played within: Monday 10th August 2015 - Sunday 16th August 2015 (inclusive).

The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime.

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most of bcap players have exams this week/next week, making this weekend a bad time to play the match due to studies


requesting change in dates pls

Edited by Thu

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7:49 PM - Timbre of Cloud * Saloon.tf: saturday
7:49 PM - thu LF> 6s scrims: so august 22, 6pm gmt+8:00 or 7pm for gmt+9:00
7:49 PM - thu LF> 6s scrims: ?
7:50 PM - Timbre of Cloud * Saloon.tf: yeah
7:50 PM - thu LF> 6s scrims: kk ty

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match rescheduled


Tuesday, August 18, 2015
11:51 PM - Timbre of Cloud * Saloon.tf: hey
11:51 PM - Timbre of Cloud * Saloon.tf: can we play the finals at 10pm +9
11:51 PM - pupipo: wah
11:51 PM - Timbre of Cloud * Saloon.tf: well two guys can't play it atthat time
11:52 PM - pupipo: ok
11:52 PM - Timbre of Cloud * Saloon.tf: okay


it'll be at 9pm gmt+8 i think

Edited by Thu

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Friday, August 21, 2015
10:59 PM - 4:10 KDR: timbre can we reschedule
10:59 PM - 4:10 KDR: there's a chance we can't come tomorrow
Saturday, August 22, 2015
3:39 AM - b3V Timbre of Cloud: Yeah i too have some thing so let's reschedule it
3:46 AM - b3V Timbre of Cloud: How about sunday 10pm gmt +9
11:05 AM - 4:10 KDR: ah
11:05 AM - 4:10 KDR: can we do it a bit earlier
11:06 AM - 4:10 KDR: 9pm gmt+9?
11:11 AM - b3V Timbre of Cloud is now Online.
11:12 AM - 4:10 KDR: wait
11:12 AM - 4:10 KDR: not sure
11:13 AM - b3V Timbre of Cloud is now Offline.
11:18 AM - Your state is set to Offline.
11:18 AM - Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
11:19 AM - Connected again and rejoined chat.
11:50 AM - b3V Timbre of Cloud is now Online.
11:50 AM - b3V Timbre of Cloud: Wait van we play at upm gmt +9?
11:50 AM - 4:10 KDR: upm?
11:51 AM - 4:10 KDR: wat?
11:51 AM - b3V Timbre of Cloud: 7pm
11:51 AM - 4:10 KDR: sure
11:51 AM - 4:10 KDR: 7pm gmt+9
11:51 AM - 4:10 KDR: ok ill try
11:51 AM - b3V Timbre of Cloud: Okay thx can you post that on forum?
11:52 AM - 4:10 KDR: sure


basically , match time changed to sunday 7pm gmt+9 or 6pm gmt+8

Edited by Thu

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