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teh colors r making me bliiiiiiiiind

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3:58 PM - warning123: a drunk guy and a guy thats high on drugs went to the train station and found the train moving , they both ran towarsd the train the drunk guy was faster and he reached the train ....

3:58 PM - warning123: the guy thats high on drugs couldnt reach the train because of how much he was laughing...

»dRz.•??7.Pez is now Offline.

3:58 PM - »dRz.•??7.Pez: >.>

3:58 PM - warning123: they asked him why are u laughing

3:59 PM - warning123: he said that stupid fucked was here to say farewell to me lol

3:59 PM - warning123: fuckr

3:59 PM - »dRz.•??7.Pez: LOL

3:59 PM - warning123: lol

3:59 PM - »dRz.•??7.Pez: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3:59 PM - warning123: arabic joke ;)

3:59 PM - warning123: i just translated it

3:59 PM - warning123: from my phoen


3:59 PM - warning123: wait want to hear more?

3:59 PM - »dRz.•??7.Pez: nah

3:59 PM - »dRz.•??7.Pez: :P

3:59 PM - »dRz.•??7.Pez: well if you have one

3:59 PM - »dRz.•??7.Pez: then why not :D

4:00 PM - »dRz.•??7.Pez: do you like this gradient http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYZ2mSLAQHM&feature=channel

4:00 PM - »dRz.•??7.Pez: blueish one on top

4:00 PM - warning123: a guy whos high on drugs said to hes wife whats wrong with ur pussy last night

4:00 PM - warning123: she said what ? , he said it was very tight

4:00 PM - warning123: he askes w'ere where u sleeping last night

4:00 PM - warning123: she said on ur right

4:01 PM - warning123: he said damn i fucked the boy

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shameless advertising of your quake video. the chat had nothing to do with anything.


dude the original text had the youtube link i dint see it i am removing it wait why should i it looks cool coz you think i feel cooool always why not YEA i am shameless .. its not advertising you ... try not to criticize every single shit you see ...... else your eyes will become black . I am proud to advertise


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shameless advertising of your quake video. the chat had nothing to do with anything.


dude the original text had the youtube link i dint see it i am removing it wait why should i it looks cool coz you think i feel cooool always why not YEA i am shameless .. its not advertising you ... try not to criticize every single shit you see ...... else your eyes will become black . I am proud to advertise



Hmm. interesting. My eyes.. will become black? :o :pyro:

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