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  • asiafortress cup 14


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About Creuze

  • Rank
    Just Installed TF2


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  1. Creuze

    PUG Group Applications

    Name: Creuze Steam Account Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/creuze/ TF2 hours: 329 PUGs in server 4: None yet Banned in Asiafortress servers before?: Nope Level of understanding the pug guidelines: 100%
  2. Creuze

    Team Smizzle Hizzle

    Hey I'm willing to join. I've got approx 800 hours of tf2, tho I forgot the pass to my old accs xD. About a third of those hours r spy, and the rest scout/other classes. I've also got a friend who mains soldier w/ 1000 hours and comp experience. We're looking for a team, and we'd be willing to play for smizzle hizzle haha. My steam id: http://steamcommunity.com/id/creuze His Id: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054779892 (Disregard is profile description it is old he left his team a while ago lol)
  3. Creuze

    Looking for a div 3 team in need of a scout

    Also got a friend w/ 1000 hours in tf2, has competitive experience. He is a soldier (roaming pref) main, and we would like to find a div 3 team with those roles open.
  4. Creuze

    Looking for demo playing in division 3

    Any other roles needed? I'm looking to join a 6s team.
  5. Creuze

    Looking for a div 3 team in need of a scout

    My steam id is: https://steamcommunity.com/id/creuze
  6. I've played tf2 for approximately 800 hours across 3 accounts (forgot the passwords to the last ones xD). About a third of that was spy, the I switched to scout. I've been playing tf2 on and off for about 3 years. I can speak english, and can understand mandarin though I cannot speak it very well. I'm a player willing to adapt and and win, but above all I'm looking to have a good time .